
Auto Timer

Help and Information

Countdown Timer

(Sept 3, 2009)

General display options

There are a few display options for the timer:

    • HH:MI:SS

    • This will show the countdown in hour minutes and seconds and stop when it reaches zero (0). If the hours are zero it will display on the minutes and seconds. When the timer has stopped a stop character is shown and to reset the timer you need to double-click it. It is then reset and paused. A paused timer will display ">>". To start the timer again from a pause simple single-click the timer.

    • HH:MI:SS continuous

    • This does the same as HH:MI:SS except when zero (0) is reached it restarts the timer.

Timer Alert

"HH:MI:SS alert" display option will alert the user when the timer reaches zero. In the following example we enabled a countdown timer to count down 6 seconds and alert us when it reaches zero:

We got this when the timer reached zero: