AutoTimer Main

Auto Timer

Help and Information

(last updated: April 1, 2015)

Special Note

As of a couple of months ago Feb, 2015, I asked the add-on to be removed from the main mozilla site. The demand for support was too high. The latest version of the plug-in can be found below. Save to your local disk; rename to AutoTimer.xpi; in Firefox - File, open; select the file; you will then be asked to install the add-on.


This is an automatic timer tool. This tool lets you track years, months, weeks and days up to a particular date. This tool can be added for Firefox using the Tools -> Add-ons menu. Search for 'autotimer' and install it from there. The most recent version will always be on the main Mozilla add-on site only.

Auto Timer is useful to track how long until a particular day. it also lets you keep track of a birthday or special anniversary. It also includes a stopwatch feature as well as a count down timer for hours, minutes and seconds.

Special note: The help has not been fully updated with information about the count down timer. Also, the images need updating to reflect the changes to the timers and the settings window.

SPECIAL NOTE: For Firefox 29.0 - Use "The Addon Bar (restored) addon to get the status bar at the bottom of the window again. It works well with Auto Timer.

SPECIAL NOTE: For Firefox 4 - You will need to enable the status bar by going to "View" -> "ToolBars" -> "Add-on Bar". Once this is done you should be able to see the bottom status bar.

The sorts of things you might want to track are:

    • Days until Valentines day.

    • Months until you pay of your mortgage, student load, car loan.

    • Years or months until you retire.

    • Days until Christmas.

    • Days until an important election.

    • Days until your girlfriends, boyfriends, wife or husbands birthday.

    • Days until your wedding anniversary.

    • Months and weeks until your baby is born.

    • A traditional stopwatch. This includes start, stop and pause features.

    • Years, months, weeks or days since a person was born or special event took place.

    • How long did I work today.

    • How much time did I spend on all these different projects today.

    • How much time did I spend in a particular application like the web.

    • Number of days until your next vacation!

The Developer can be reached at: networthtracker@rogers.comHe is always interested in feedback!