Texas Slow Net

The Texas Slow Net meets Tu,Th,Fr at 1945 local time, on 3570 KHz. The net manager is Jason, KD5RQB.

TSN is a dual-purpose net, for traffic handling and training. It is well suited for operators who are interested in building proficiency in the International Morse Code and learning about NTS traffic handling procedures. During each session, a traffic handling lesson is sent.

TSN is a member of the National Traffic System, and liaison stations to TEX, TTN, OTN, and ARTS nets are often available for operators who would like to bring traffic to the net.

TSN's sister training net in the ARRL West Gulf Division is the Oklahoma Training Net, which meets daily at 5:20 PM local time on 7120.6 KHz.

On both TSN and OTN, any station is welcome to check in.

Tips for Learning the Morse Code

It is most important to learn Morse Code by sound, and not visually as a series of dots and dashes.

Have the characters sent rapidly, at about 15 words per minute, with the spacing between characters adjusted to lower the speed. This prevents you from trying to count dots and dashes, and is the most effective way to learn the code by sound.

Build a code practice oscillator , and practice sending and receiving with a friend.

Many more tips are available from the American Radio Relay League.

Building Proficiency

Listen to the Code Practice transmissions on W1AW.

Set tangible goals for yourself using the W1AW Qualifying Runs in the ARRL's Code Proficiency Program.

Participate regularly in NTS traffic nets, like this one and OTN. As your speed increases, try the Texas CW Net.

Take part in contests and operating events using CW, such as the November Sweepstakes, Field Day, Straight Key Night, and the Texas and Oklahoma QSO Parties.

CW Operating

Your Novice Accent - And What to Do About It - Reprinted with permission, copyright November 1956 QST

Traffic Handling Aids

CW Traffic Net Procedures

ARRL Field Services Forms. Among the most useful are the standard Radiogram form, the numbered Radiograms (FSD-3), the Amateur Message Form (FSD-218), and the aptly named Handy Operating Aid (FSD-220).

It's worthwhile to read the ARRL's Public Service Communications Manual, particularly Section 2, which describes the National Traffic System.

Slow Net Training Course

West Gulf Division CW Nets

Oklahoma Training Net - 5:20 p.m. daily 7120.6 KHz

Texas CW Net - 7 and 10 p.m. daily 3541 KHz

Texas Slow Net - 7:45 p.m. daily 3570 KHz