
Inspirational music is a great source of creativity for me.

I find that if a piece of music moves me physically, emotionally and or spiritually my soul is responding.

I know that with this music I can let myself go, and I can trust the music to bring me to a deeper space.

Different types of music, rhythm, melody etc allow for different emotional and physical qualities to be expressed.

I know that if I am angry I will look for music with a fast chaotic beat that helps me to release the tension in a creative way.

If I am feeling soft and vulnerable, gentle melodic music and singing will rock me like a baby, and I can be gentle in my physical expression, listening to my body and soul.

Music is a great tool for self expression, learning how to use it means tuning in, turning in, finding out what inspires you to move and express yourself.

Experiment, try out all kinds of music, find what moves you!

My recommendations:

World Music: