Videos slides from BC, Canada 2

Videos of some hikes made in 2010 in BC

Starting at Lions bay village hike up the trail to the Lions, walk between the two Lions, Howe Sound Crest trail (north), Harvey pass and get down the valley passing Alberta creek back to Lions Bay village. 28 Aug 2010.

Starting at the base of Grouse mountain, going up BCMC trail, to Goat mountain peak, Crown mountain peak, Hannes valley, Lynn creek and ending at Lynn headwaters regional park. 22 Aug 2010

Starting and ending at Lion Bay, we hiked to 1780meter Mt. Brunswick peak with awesom views. On the way down we walked to Magnesia meadow and its emergency shelter hut. It was hot but there were some snow patches to fill up the bottles. Return is bush-whacking through thick wood on the south face of Mt. Harvey and via Alberta creek thus making a circuit back to Lion Bay vilage. 10 hours! 14 Aug 2010

Starting and ending at Lynn headwaters regional park; going up the Lynn ridge via Lynn peak. Return is via Hydraulic creek. The south needle peak at 1163meters offers good views. Steep trails ups and downs. 31 July 2010

About 22km return hike to Lynn Lake in Lynn headwaters regional park, north Vancouver, BC, Canada on 03 July 2010.

Over half of the trail is almost flat and easy; the rest - steep slopes, moderately rough trail, criss crossing the creek, trenches and so on. Safe time to go is when the water level is low in the creeks in mid to late summer