Final Project Journal

Project Ideation

1- Tell us about the idea of your project. Why do you care about this? What were you inspired by? Include images and videos of similar projects

The idea of ​​my project is to make a smart curtain with a light sensor for the sun,It also shows the daily temperature and humidity on the LCD, the user can be controll it by phone to open and close it according to his need.

This idea is intended for the convenience of the user, as when it is present, he will not need to get up and move from the bed to close it at sunrise

You can see similar models through the following links:

Project Construction

2- Explain the CAD process of your project. How did you use the software to design your project? (List the softwares/tools/materials...etc that you used)

RDWorks (software for laser machine)

malky ML1930 CO2 manual laser cutter machine

fusion 360 program for design

RDWorks (software for laser machine)

Arduino to copy the text code and upload it to Arduino UNO.


design stage ( I used Program Fusion 360 to make a 2.5D design)

here I started drawing the base for the project, which represents the floor of the room

Then I drew the back part that represents the wall and has a window

Here I drew the parts in which the motors and the curtain will be installed

Then I drew the part that represents the side wall

Here I drew the part on which the component box will be installed

Then I drew the outside of the component box

These are the sides of the component box

Here I made an extrusion of the constituent parts of the room and linked them together And I selected a wood material for them

And here I made an extrusion of the component box, assembled it and installed it on its wall

Then locate the LCD and install it

Then determine the locations of the brokers and nuts and install them in the places designated for them

Finally, I made sure that all the slots and the studs are set and assembled correctly

After completion, I extracted the file with the extension DXF

Then I entered them into the RDWORKS program to make the laser cutting settings

These are the settings:

for cuttind power:65,speed 25

for scan power:30, speed 150

3- Explain the fabrication process of your project. How did you use the machine to fabricate your project? (List the softwares/tools/materials...etc that you used)

After making sure that the file was saved in rd format, I transferred it to the flash memory and saved it on the laser cutting machine, then the machine started cutting the desired shape

After the machine has finished cutting all the's time to assemble

I also fabricated some furniture models to give the project more realism

Here I assembled the component box and installed the screws

Then I assembled the components for the walls

And this is the final shape of the we are ready to assemble the components and do the electricity

Project Electronics & Power Management

4- Describe your electronic circuit. What are the input and action components? What is the function of each? How do the components integrate together to form your smart system? (List the softwares/tools/components...etc that you used)

DC MOTORS To control the movement of the curtain

Arduino for writing code and programming components

LDR Sensor for light sensitivity

lcd i2c To write the temperature and humidity on it

DHT To sense humidity and temperature

dc motor driver To control the direction and speed of the motors

RTC module To set a specific time and date and time

breadboard To connect components together by wires

bloutootht module To control components remotely by phone

wires to connect components together

9v adapter To supply the components with the required current

Electrical tape to stick wires together

electrical wiring stage

At first, I connected 2 motors to the driver and connected the control wires to the Arduino .. I also connected the place of connection of the 9 volt adapter

These are the wiring connections to the driver

Then I connected the LDR sensor to pin No. 2 to the Arduino

Then I connected the bluetooth module to the arduino to control the curtain remotely

And here I connected the DHT sensor

I also connected the LCD to show the daily temperature and humidity on it

Finally, I connected the RTC module to control the time of opening and closing the curtain

Then I made an extension with wires for the motor and LDR sensor so that I could not put them in their specific places in the project

And this is the shape of the electrical circuit at the end.. Now we can write the code and assemble the components of the project together

I used TinkerCAD to simulate the circuit before actually building it .. I made the connections as follows:

Input of the first motor ( IN1 = pin7 ... IN2 =pin 6 )

Input of the second motor ( IN3 =pin 5 ... IN4 =pin 4)

To control the speed of the first motor ( ENA =pin 9 )

To control the speed of the second motor ( ENB = pin3 )

pin 2 for LDR pin 10 for DHT11

It is the method of connecting the DC motors and the LDR sensor

Here are the complete connections with the LCD and the DHT11 sensor

5- What is your power source? How did you select the suitable power source for your project? (List the softwares/tools/components...etc that you used)

..I used a 9-volt adapter to feed the driver because there are 2 motors connected to it, and this needs a high current, and I took out 5 volts from it, connected to the breadboard to supply the Arduino and the rest of the components with the required current

Project Programming

6- Describe the code of your project. How did you program each function of the project?

I define the input and specify the pin number for each component

At first, I wrote the first feature, which is to control the motors based on the feeling of the LDR

Then I wrote the void lobe and determined the speed of the motors and determined their movement based on the LDR sensor

And here I determined the direction of movement of the motors in each case through the inputs of each of them

And here, after defining the inputs and the numbers of the components pin, I defined the Bluetooth module to be the data entered through the phone

Then I wrote the bluetooth module code to control the opening and closing of the curtain according to the inputs

Then I wrote the bluetooth module code to control the opening and closing of the curtain according to the inputs

Here I set the required movement where the curtain closes when sending number 1 and opens when sending number 2

Then I wrote the code to show the temperature and humidity on the LCD..And in the end I put all this code together

At first, I downloaded the dht11 library and the LCD i2c to identify the components

Then I typed a Void SetUp and wrote the required words on the screen with it

Finally, I defined that the outputs are based on the inputs of the DHT11 sensor connected to the PIN No. 10

Project Integration & Testing

7- Demonstrate with text and visuals how did you integrate the project’s modules together? What are the testing results? (Include a Demo video separately, showing a proof of functionality)

At first, I assembled the wooden parts of the room and the window

Then I assembled the parts of the component box and installed them together ..I put the LCD in its place

Then I installed the motors in their specified places

and here I made the curtain movement path

And here I installed it in the place specified in the upper part of the wood

Then I made the curtain and before installing it, I made sure that the motors were working correctly

And here I put the LDR sensor in a place outside the window

I installed the Arduino and the power outlet to connect the adapter

And here I installed the curtain in place

Then I installed the outer wood piece

Here I put the rest of the components and wires in the box installed on the wall

Then I installed it and put furniture models to give a real look to the room

After making sure of the locations of all the parts, I uploaded the code to the Arduino

I made sure that all components are working successfully

I connected the 9 volt adapter to supply the components with the required current

Here the LCD shows the temperature and humidity


This is the bluetooth module window on the phone

Sharing & Collaboration

8- Did you ask for feedback? What are the ideas that others have contributed or suggested? What was someone else’s idea that you built upon? How did you help your peers? How did your peers help you?

I asked my friends, if they have a smart curtain, what are the characteristics that they prefer to have? They suggested the idea of ​​controlling it remotely by phone, and I actually made this feature

My friend Salma helped me as she fabricated the plywood on the laser machine because I was sick and could not go to the lab

Overcoming Challenges

9- When you got stuck, what/who did you turn to? At what point did you have to pause to research or learn more before moving on? What are some mistakes, pitfalls, or challenges that others can avoid if they were doing this project?

*I encountered some problems while writing the code, and I searched on YouTube and asked my Instructor Mohanad

*I also faced a problem with the way to connect the motors with the curtain to control its movement, and these videos helped me reach a satisfactory result

Future Work

10- If you had more time, what is one thing you would change/ Do next in your project?

I think it's fun to control things around us with sound.. so I was going to control the curtain by some specific words through the code

Final Project Design Files