Week 1 - Journal


Tell us about your assignment's idea for this week. Why do you care about this idea? What inspired you? (Please include images or links to sources of inspiration)

my art draw

sketch draw

This week's assignment is to prepare the design files and fabricate models of our choice using a 3D printer and laser cutter.

I love drawing animals a lot especially cats because of the way they act, I love watching them. So That's why I decided to make a model of what I like.

Tool Chain

Which software/machines/materials did you use in the assignment? Why?


  1. Ultimaker Cura

It is an open-source slicing software for 3D printers. It opens (stl.) file of the object then we prepare it according to the suitable scale and export G-code which the 3D printer follows to print the model correctly.

  1. Laser works

For laser cutting task we used "LaserWork" software to prepare the (dxf.) file according to the required dimensions and position on the cutting area and to convert the file to the required format to (.rd) for the laser cutting machine.


  1. 3D Printer (Prusa i3 mk2)

  2. Laser Cutter (ML1390)


  1. Generic PLA

  1. Plywood sheet (3mm thick)

Ultimaker Cura

3D Printer (Prusa i3 mk2)

Laser Cutter (ML1390)

laser works

3D Printer (Prusa i3 mk2)

Laser Cutter (ML1390)

Plywood sheet

Design/Preparation Process

Explain the design and/or preparation process of your assignment. How did you use the tool or software to design and/or prepare your assignment before fabrication/implementation?

Laser cut bear key chain décor (dxf file)

I browsed a lot of free vector gallery websites till I came across this animal design(link) that I accepted on 3axis..co website.

To prepare the file

  • first scale the design needed, then laserWorks color-codes the lines of the shape needed.

  • Then specify the speed and power of the laser to each different color. After it's done, I export the "dxf" file to "rld" which operates the laser cutter machine.

  • Dimension: 56.4 mm * 40 mm

  • Cut:

Color: Black Speed: 30mm/s Power: 65%

  • Engrave:

Color: blue - Speed: 100mm/s Power: 30%

Color: Red - Speed: 200mm/s Power: 20%

final fabrication

Laser cut bear wall décor (dxf file)

  • Cat keychain and phone stand

I used this model(link) which was provided for free on Thingiverse website.

  • The first step is to prepare the file for 3D printing, which was done through Ultimaker Cura.

Profile & Infill

  • Then I start with the size of the model and position it on the virtual printer bed. Then specify my printing preferences for the object. The last step would be exporting the G-Code for the 3D printer. (Time: 29 min. & Grams: 4gm)

  • Material: PLA

  • Profile: Draft - 0.2 mm

  • Infill: 10%

  • Support Placement: yes (shown in pics)

  • Adhesion: No (the surface area touching the plate is wide enough)

Development/Implementation Process

Explain the development/implementation process of your assignment. How did you use the machine/tool to manufacture or implement the design of your assignment?

I exported my design file (stl.) file to (g_code.), put them on the printer's memory card. Then I turned to the user manual to know the process steps, also the Instructor (Menna ElBadry ) helped me, I followed all the steps (which are unloading the fillament, loading the filament color I need, pre-heating the printer bed, then choose my file to be printed). Finally, the process end and the design fabrication came.

I exported my design (rd.) file, put them on the USB drive. Then I turned to the laser machine to continue the process steps, , also I followed all the steps that we learned in the last week from the instructors and then I watched the process till the end.

The engraved parts in the bear chain looks great, I'll enjoy making diffrent values of engraving next time.


3D printing process


Laser cutting process

Overcoming Challenges

What kinds of challenges or problems did you face while doing the assignment, tutorials, or exercises? How did you solve them? Did you ask for help from an instructor or peer? Please provide a link to the tutorial or article that you used to solve your problem (if any)

First I was afraid to face a problem at the end of the process, I was quite sure of the scale and dimensions but I wasn't sure about how to manual machine operation alone well, I read the manual guide to be aware. But I found it quite simple also by practicing more than one process. Our instructors were so helpful, they showed to us all the procedures of operating both machines as well as checking if anyone had problems with the software.

Moving to peers, someone had asked me about how to get to project links at maker website before doing our project proposal assignment, so I showed to her how to get to the links and offer her other links for helping.

Also I face a problem in doing such a design in maker website journal so I asked for help from my peers and they helped me a lot.

Final Project

How can you use the skills and knowledge that you've acquired this week in your final project?

I'll use laser cutters and 3D printing machines, to get my project fabrication done. By using them in the right way. I'll make a wood chair using laser cutter and think about the moving things to achieve what I need by 3D printer.

Also We have learned the safety instructions we should take while fabricating, So that I can get the next process and notice what problems we'll get through, and how to avoid them. That could help me move a step forward avoiding much trouble.


What is the coolest thing that you've learned this week? What is something that you will never forget from this week?

Things I've learned this week:

  • How to use Laser Cutting and 3D printing machines, and their software.

  • How to set Laser Cutting and 3D printing's parameters to be ready for the fabrication.

  • The more depth the engrave part you want, the speed is high and the power is low.

Weekly Digest [OPTIONAL]

Tell us about any other cool things that you've made this week: in the Hands-on activity, tutorial examples, exercises, or any other cool mini-project that you tried out aside from the assignment.

First our instructor asked us to play a cool game I never hear about, How to make a human-machine by acting how the machine work without telling the it's name, It made me recognize the movement of each machine.

Second we were divided into groups, I was with Abdallah and Mina in a group, we were told to fabricate 2 models one for laser cutting "Super Mario keychain' and one for 3D printing "T-Rex dinosaur", we helped each other while setting the parameters for both files.

We were argue about what areas we need to engrave, suggesting what is the right preference to create the best model guide.

Mario ^_^

Assignment Design Files