Project Ideation

1- Tell us about the idea of your project. Why do you care about this? What were you inspired by? Include images and videos of similar projects

The idea is a relaxation chair

  • Cause we suffer a lot in our day life, we need a relaxation time.

So I decide to think about achieving a variable time & having a perfect mode to continue our life.


  • That idea came when I have a tired week one day so I decided to make a project that could help us in a relaxation process.

  • The design idea shape is a chair designed as a bear animal scale 1:5.

Project idea:

A Smart mechanical controlled by Arduino, senses the motion of the client and get a motion in the chair through sensors.

It also can be controlled by mobile application that would be easier for the user.

The cycle:

  • First the client set on the chair, sensors get the action and motion take place.

  • The down part of the chair moves upwards to rest the hole leg.

  • Then a mechanical movement (massage) occur.

My sketch design idea

Project Construction

2- Explain the CAD process of your project. How did you use the software to design your project? (List the software/tools/materials...etc. that you used)

CAD software:

  1. Fusion360.

Tools used in CAD software:

  1. Draw sketches.

  2. Extrude (new components), cut & join.

  3. fillet.

  4. Insert canvas to draw my sketch.

  5. Gear generator.

  6. Upload components downloaded from grabcad.

  7. Assemble then joint.



  2. H-bridge.

  3. Motor servo.

  4. Yellow DC Motor.

  5. Ultrasonic sensor

CAD process of the project

  • First, I used Fusion 360 for drawing a sketch for all parts of my design with T-Slots.

  • Second, extruding the sketches 3mm.

  • The back part of the design.

  • Third, assemble the components together before fabrication.

  • After that I downloaded the components needed from grabcad then mountain it in fusion to get the parts full prepared to DXF file.

  • By making a project feature to the sketch needed we get the printed sketch of the component in the part, so making extrude cut to the circles of screws.

  • Moving to the 3D pats needed for the design, we make a number of gears by downloaded a gear generator plugin.

  • I followed a video guide to know how to use this plugin and the parameter needed for the gears.

sketch the moving shape

Extrude the shape

Modify then Fillet

3- Explain the fabrication process of your project. How did you use the machine to fabricate your project? (List the softwares/tools/materials...etc that you used)


  1. Ultimaker Cura

  2. Laser works


  1. 3D Printer (Prusa i3 mk2)

  1. Laser Cutter (ML1390)


  1. Generic PLA

  • Grey filament

  1. Plywood sheet

  • 3mm thick

  1. 3m screws and nuts

  • After I imported the DXF file to lasr works I started to arange the parts in the wood sheet.

  • Next, I set my parameters, which line would be cut, and which one would be engraved.


  • Cut:

Color: Black Speed: 30 mm/s Power: 65%

  • Engrave:

Color: Red Speed: 350 mm/s Power: 20%

  • Then I save to ULfile as rd. to the USB card.

  • After I imported the STL. file to cura I started to make a number of copy of gears I wanted, then I set the parameters.


  • Material: PLA

  • Printing temperature: 215.0

  • Profile: Draft - 0.22 mm

  • Infill: 10%

  • Adhesion: No (the surface area touching the plate is wide enough)

  • Grams: 34g

  • Finally, save the file and insert it into the USB for laser cutting.

The fabrication process at the machine


Project Electronics & Power Management

4- Describe your electronic circuit. What are the input and action components? What is the function of each? How do the components integrate together to form your smart system? (List the softwares/tools/components...etc that you used)


  • I used TinkerCAD to simulate the circuit before building it in real.

  • In this circuit, I used an ultra-sonic sensor, Servo motor, 9-volt adaptor, H-bridge and 3 DC motors.

  • I'm using 9-volt power for the DC motors and 5v (from the H-bridge) for the other components (the sensor and servo motor)

Electronics components

  • Ultra-sonic sensor.

  • Servo motor.

  • 3 yellow DC motor

  • On/Off Switch

  • H-Bridge drivers.

  • Breadboard

  • Arduino UNO Board

  • Jumper Wires (per need)

  • power 9v adaptor.

Noate: AfterI connect the bluetoth moudule I used 3 Resistor (1000Ω).



  • Sensing: Motion Sensor

  • Tactile Inputs: On/Off switch

  • Graphical Inputs: Mobile Application


  • motor action moving.


  • The user will control the motor motion by the on/off switch and the mobile application.

  • The ultrasonic read a distance less than 10com so that the user is sitting on the chair, then the ultrasonic will make an angel 60 degree to move the down parts upwards.

The components integrate together to form the smart system:

  • Connecting ultrasonic and servo with common ground at the breadboard and to the Arduino:

pin5 to trigger pin

pin4 to echo pin

pin3 signal ultrasonic

  • Connecting the Motors to output pins of H-bridge, then the 12-volt pin power to the breadboard to power the motors and Arduino.

pin input of the H-bridge to 12,13,9,8 pins.

vin pin to the breadboard 9-volt power.

enable pin of H-bridge to pin 10,11 (if you control the speed of the motors).

  • Connecting a 5volt power from the H-bridge to breadboard to power the ultrasonic, Servo and Bluetooth module.

  • Finally, I connect the on/off switch to close and open the circuit manually.

5- What is your power source? How did you select the suitable power source for your project? (List the softwares/tools/components...etc that you used)

  • I used a 9-volt adaptor to get suitable power for the Motors, I connect the 12-volt pin of the H-bridge to the breadboard to power the motors and Arduino.

  • Connecting a 5volt power from the H-bridge to breadboard to power the ultrasonic, Servo and Bluetooth module.

Project Programming

6- Describe the code of your project. How did you program each function of the project?

  • After I simulate the circuit in Tinkercad, I make the code blocks that make me understande easily the code writing.

  • Then I try to change the orders to get it as I want.

  • I make a first code of the switch to the DC motors with the ultrasonic to the servo motor.

when the power is on the ultrasonic read distance less than 10cm then the servo makes 60-degree angle.

  • Next, I make a state code for the Bluetooth as I found in this guide link.

  • Then by connecting the switch the circuit is closed, so you also can get the motors move from the mobile application and change the direction you need.

'0' to stop the movement.

'1' move the motor to the right side.

'2' move the motors to left side.

Project Integration & Testing

7- Demonstrate with text and visuals how did you integrate the project’s modules together? What are the testing results? (Include a Demo video separately, showing a proof of functionality)

  1. I assembly the parts together to make sure all parts of the wood are OK.

  2. I try to assembly the gears together to make the movement mechanism as in the pictures below.

3. I put the motors with the gears to try the movement and check the space.

4. I put the ARDUINO and the H-Bridge in the bottom part of the chair.

5. I leave the ultrasonic parts at the end to assembly it in the direction I need.

Testing the gears movement:


Testing the process movement:

  • When the user sits on the chair the down part moves upwards

  • Then when the switch is on the circuit is closed so the user can open the Bluetooth app. for the movement motor process.


Final project

Sharing & Collaboration

8- Did you ask for feedback? What are the ideas that others have contributed or suggested? What was someone else’s idea that you built upon? How did you help your peers? How did your peers help you?

  • First, I was thinking about the mechanism for moving the motor, Mohaned our instructor told me to move two shapes with one motor by making gears.

  • Also, when I was stuck at the code the instructor Menna told me to make a state in the code, I searched a lot then I found a guide that helped me a lot for the Bluetooth connecting.

  • My peers are so helpful if you stuck in anything you'll find help in different things, coding is the most thing I asked for a help from my friends.

Overcoming Challenges

9- When you got stuck, what/who did you turn to? At what point did you have to pause to research or learn more before moving on? What are some mistakes, pitfalls, or challenges that others can avoid if they were doing this project?

  • when I was stuck, I asked my friends Hanaa & Zahraa if they have an idea of what I'm facing, also I asked Mohaned our instructor for some help in different things.

  • I found some difficulty to assembly the side parts after I put the motors, so I opened a hole to make a space, so make sure of all parts also the gears together with the motors if you try something like that.

  • For coding I searched a lot for different projects, I found different codes for connecting Arduino with motors and other thing that give me a step to start the coding.

here is some of links that helped me a lot:

If someone try to do a project like that, he will think about many different things:

  1. Try to think more about the dimensions and the components you'll put on it, cause at the end I hope my chair was much bigger than it is.

  2. Try to make assemble for all the parts also the gears and the moving 3D parts, cause I found a problem in the dimension of the gear.

  3. Make sure that ultrasonic, servo motor and Bluetooth module don't need much power 5 volt is OK or you'll lose any of them.

Future Work

10- If you had more time, what is one thing you would change/ Do next in your project?

  • If I had more time, I would think more about the mechanism of the motor and how to make the servo more accurate.

  • I would add the down moving mechanism parts with the third motor and complete the design I needed, I would make the chair with a scale bigger than 1:5 because I love the shape and hope to make more features and do it as perfect as I could.

Final Project Design Files