Business Collaboration Opportunities

We are always looking to expand our partnerships with businesses in and around the Red Wing Area in the following areas. Please contact me at if you would like to join us as we better prepare our communities' students for whatever path fits them best after high school whether straight into the workforce or to pursue further education.

Senior Internship Host: February -May

Internships in community businesses offer students the opportunity to see first hand the day-to-day work that happens across career areas. Meeting with professionals in their fields of interest gives students the opportunity to engage in a variety of experiences and offers dialogue that will help students better gauge what they are and are not interested in doing after high school. These opportunities would be for students ready to enter the workforce and also for students planning on going off to further education after graduation in 2020. Internships can vary in length between February and May based on student and business needs and would be coordinated with assistance from the High School.

Career Speaker

These can occur on a more flexible basis where you can present to groups of students who register for a session or get matched with a teacher who is teaching related content.

Job-Site Tour

Host an on-site tour for students interested in a career related to the field. Tours will bring small groups of students to see an active work site in progress to help students better understand what happens in the day to day working environment.

Host students with disabilities for paid/volunteer vocational opportunities

Collaborate with the high school special education teachers by offering opportunities for students with disabilities to increase their vocational skills and better prepare for successful independent employment. Students come in small groups of 2-3 students and be accompanied by special education staff. We have already had great success working at the Mayo Clinic, Econofoods, area churches, and other businesses in town.

Externships for Teachers

Host one of our teachers during the summer as they keep up to date on the latest developments in the fields they are preparing students for.


Do you have an idea of how your business could partner with the school? Share with us!