FCS Pathways (& Programs of Study)

Montana FCS embraces four Career and Technical Education pathways which address human needs as aligned through  Maslow's Hierarchy of Need--Food, Shelter, Clothing, Safety, Love and Acceptance.  Commonly called the "people centered careers", they include:

(*Access the Montana FCS Programs of Study through the  links found below.)

A Discussion: FCS Careers, Life Literacy  and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

What does "people-centered" careers mean? 

The answer is related to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. 

Who is Abraham Maslow? 

Abraham Maslow is a theorists who has shared a model for meeting human needs. Maslow shared for personal needs to be met, one must first meet basic needs before moving to meeting psychological needs and finally self-fulfillment.   

The field of Family and Consumer Sciences recognizes this model when teaching "life literacy" skills--the skills needed to live and work in the complex society in which we live. 

What is life literacy?  

 Life literacy means the ability to obtain research based information to make life decisions with the goal to be healthy--financially, socially, emotionally and physically--which can mean FCS education is a "prevention" strategy, enhancing the ability to make well informed decisions and avoid intervention needs in the future. 

How is life literacy and "people-centered careers" related?

Life literacy is the foundation to all "people-centered" careers. One must understand life literacy from a personal level to understand what it means to work in a field to bring intervention support  to others through the careers. 

What is the skill set of the "people-centered careers"? 

The skill set FCS Education builds includes high order  communication, flexibility, problem-solving, life span decision-making, cooperation,  and empathy.  These are practiced within the context of the pathway technical skills. Human Services requires the highest level of skill set requirements of the FCS pathways.

FCS Pathway Credentials

For more information:  American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences pre-professional credentialing program: AAFCS Pre-PAC 

EDUCATION Credentials

Para Pro

Child Development Associates (CDA)*

AAFCS--Early Childhood Education

AAFCS--Education Fundamentals

(*Instructional hours and lab hours can be started at age 16.)


ServSafe Food Handlers

ServSafe Food Managers

AAFCS--Culinary Arts

AAFCS--Food Science

AAFCS--Nutrition, Food, and Wellness *

(*Class 4 limitation)

SCED Codes Used for Reporting and Pathway Recognition



(*Look under FCS Framework for Montana FCS course framework documents with codes and descriptions as well as standards by course. )

National FCS to Pathway Connections 

1.NATIONAL LEADFCS FRAMEWORK: LEADFCS Education ( www.http://www.leadfcsed.org/ )   is a national organization which addresses issues that cross the US.  See this box link below for more detail related to the FCS Education connections to the 16 career pathways.   Yes, FCS is found in all pathways and is considered foundational to workforce success. 

2. FCCLA AND PATHWAYS:  FCCLA has multiple resources divided by pathway.  Refer here for more information.