3rd & 4th Grade

Think: Let's review our calming down steps!

  1. Say stop!

  2. Name your feeling.

  3. Put your hands on your belly and take a deep breath.

Do: Practice Belly Breathing when you are in the red, blue, or yellow zone.

Show your family how belly breathing can help them too!


What are the differences between everyday feelings and overwhelming feelings?

What are some self-care strategies that we can use to deal with everyday feelings. What does Sasha do? Does it work?

What can you do if you are worried about a friend?


As we saw in the video, we all have mental health and we need to take care of our mental health in the same way that we take care of our physical health.What are some of the ways we can take care of our mental health? We call this self-care. Choose one of the self-care strategies to practice now:

*Writing *Read a book *sports/exercise *Playing with a pet

*Relaxing *Healthy snack *Talk to a friend *Listen to music


What emotion or emotions are you feeling right now?

How can you measure your emotions?

Do emotions change or stay the same?

There are no good or bad emotions. Do you agree or disagree? Why


Draw your own emotion intensity chart and measure your emotions throughout the day.


Have you ever gotten so mad that you turned a small problem into a big problem?

Have you felt sad or embarrassed after having a big reaction to a small problem?

What does it mean to "flip your lid"?

How do our brains work to keep us safe?

What can you do if you're about to "flip your lid"?


Write about a time you"flipped your lid." What happened? What could you done differently to stay calm?

Zones of Regulation

Remember all emotions are okay, its what you do with them that matters!

Practice using these ideas to help calm your bodies and minds.

Ways to Calm Your Worry!

We are all feeling worried right now! Please try some of these things to help calm your worry! Playing outside is another great way to help with worrying.

How do you make your mind stronger everyday?

What is a challenge that you are going through right now? Tell yourself 5 things that you love about yourself. Confidence in yourself helps build your mind stronger.

What are some things we can do at home to strengthen our mind and body?

Mindfulness Breathing Exercises

Please practice and use these mindfulness breathing exercises to help regulate your bodies.

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Copy of SEL at Home 3-5