
                                                                      Shakespeare in Legos....The Globe Theater

Challenge Schedule 

Chandler Creek and Sue Cleveland

State Required Minutes: 125 minutes 3rd Grade

200 minutes 4th and 5th Grade

Challenge Schedule for Sue Cleveland 

                                                                                            Mondays and Tuesdays

3rd Grade

Godfrey, Kennedy, Kelly, Rogers, Livingston

Monday 11:45-12:25

Tuesday  11:30-12:30

4th Grade

Bryant, Sanders, Waltz

 Monday 10:05-11:25

 Tuesday 8:45-10:45

5th Grade

Hawkins, Landers,  Luker,  Standridge

 Monday 8:05-10:00

  Tuesday 12:45-2:10

Challenge Schedule for Chandler Creek

Wednesdays and Thursdays

                                                                                                          3rd Grade

Cannada, Dacus, Krezdorn. McNatt, Pearson, Saraceni

  Wednesday 7:45-8:45

Thursday 10:45-11:50

4th Grade

 Daly, Hanson,  Hitch, Howell, Latta, Manzer, 

 Wednesday 11:10-1:00

 Thursday 7:45-9:15

5th Grade

Conaway,  Johnson, Smith, Rector, Upton

 Wednesday / Thursday

