Daily Schedule

*Mrs. Rodgers will make adjustments to the daily schedule as needed.

7:45-8:15 Math Review Morning Work and Calendar Math

8:15-9:00 Related Arts

Monday - Art w/ Ms. Welbrock

Tuesday - Library- Week A, Science Lab- Week B(alternating weeks of library lessons with Mrs. Maggio & science lab w/Mr. Rank)

Wednesday - Computer Instruction

Thursday - PE w/ Mrs. Beitel (formerly Ms. Wooten)

Friday - Music w/ Mrs. Bence

9:00-10:10 Math

10:10-11:50 ELA Block: Shared Reading, Guided Reading, Independent Reading, Language Arts, Writing

11:50-12:15 Physical Activity

12:15-12:40 Lunch

12:40-1:40 Science

1:40- 2:30 Social Studies

2:30 Dismissal