
Teacher's Picture

Welcome to Mrs. Rodgers’ classroom website. I am so very happy to be your teacher this year! Our classroom is sure to be filled with all kinds of new things to learn and supportive friends to help each other along the way. You will easily find valuable information on our classroom website throughout the year.

It is my personal goal to help my students learn about the world around them through a variety of ways. I long for children in my care to feel valued and honored as unique individuals. It is my biggest hope that they will thirst for knowledge and be lifelong learners who feel capable and determined. A positive learning environment requires teamwork effort; I look forward to working with the families of Rudolph Gordon Elementary School to ensure a successful year.

Please feel free to contact me any time. I will check email daily. However, you may not receive an immediate response as I'm engaged within our classroom. My email address is: ARodgers@greenville.k12.sc.us I will respond as promptly as I can.

“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”

—E.E. Cummings