4th Grade Syllabus

*Note: Mrs. Rodgers may be making modifications as needed


Please know that I am always interested in your questions, concerns, thoughts, and feedback. If you call me during the day, your call goes directly to voice mail to avoid interruption of instructional time. I will call you back as soon as possible, but it will likely be at the end of the school day. I will communicate with you regularly through weekly newsletters, student agendas, phone calls, or notes home. As always, please feel free to contact me any time throughout the school year. Here are some additional notes about communication:

  • Student agendas are filled out daily. Please review and initial daily.
  • Graded work will typically be sent home on Wednesdays. Please sign the top sheet to let me know that you have reviewed the work. Student work is kept in a portfolio file until the end of each quarter.
  • Please contact me by phone or email. My email address is ARodgers@greenville.k12.sc.us . My classroom phone number is (864) 452-0260. You may leave a message and I will call you back at my earliest convenience. However, I am typically able to respond faster by email.
  • Conferences are held towards the end of the first quarter. Additional conferences are held as needed.

* Please visit the school website and my page regularly for useful information.


A complete listing of standards can be accessed through the Greenville County School District website and the South Carolina State Department of Education website.

SC State Department of Education Standard


90-100: A

89-80: B

79-70: C

69-60: D

59-0: F