
Submissions open now! (Scroll down past piece guidelines)

Content: “The Rock” is published as a part of BHS. None of the published content can contain any sexism, racism, homophobia, etc. implied or explicit, or gratuitous sexual or violent content.

Plagiarism: We won’t tolerate any form of plagiarism. All submissions will be passed through a plagiarism checker during the editing process, and submissions that contain any plagiarism will be immediately rejected. 

See guidelines for specific pieces below. Going over the word or line count will result in immediate rejection of your piece, so be sure to double check before you submit. 

Submissions are open! Read the guidelines below. 


Describes imaginary events and people

3,000 word limit

Creative Nonfiction

True stories told in a narrative/prose format.

3,000 word limit


Literature that uses aesthetic and rhythm.

80 line limit

How to submit!

In order to submit your writing, email with your writing. Include the word "Submission" in the topic line of your email.

Everything will be edited ANONYMOUSLY, meaning whoever edits your piece will not know the author until it is published in the issue. The officers (listed in Staff & Contributors) will be able to see who wrote each piece, but the other editors will not. 

Each contributor is invited to submit up to 3 pieces per issue.