Allergy Information 

Whether your child has a peanut allergy or seasonal allergies, we want to know about it!  Food allergies affect approximately 4% of school-aged children and that 1 of 5 students with food allergies will have a reaction while at school. I have constantly heard people say "when I was in sixth grade, no one had a food allergy."  While there are many different theories as to why allergies are on the rise, my main focus is ensuring your child remains safe while at school.  

For students with severe allergies, we ask that parents complete the Annual Allergy Survey form so that we have a better understanding of your child's allergy and how to properly prepare for their care. This is completed by a parent.

The Emergency Action Plan Form and the Medication Authorization Form are required for those students who will need to have emergency medications (i.e. epinephrine or Benadryl) kept at school.  This form is completed by a physician and a parent. 

Things to know: