Q & A - Blackboard General

Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions concerning Blackboard. For more helpful guides, visit the How-To Guide and Tutorials section.

  1. What browser should I use for Blackboard?

Students should use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for the best results working with Blackboard system.

How do I access Blackboard?

Through myBloomfield Portal

  1. Go to College's Web site: http://www.bloomfield.edu

  2. Click on the MyBloomfield link at the top of the screen above the search bar

  3. Log in with the username and password that you use for the myBloomfield portal.

  4. Click the Blackboard icon in the Collaboration Tools box, which will take you to the Blackboard landing page.

Direct access to Blackboard

  1. Enter https://bb.bloomfield.edu in the Web address field

  2. log in with the same login credentials as with the Portal.

I keep receiving a "Bad Request - Request Too Long HTTP Error 400" error, how could I fix it?

The "HTTP Error 400 Size of the request headers is too long." refers to a Web browser communication issue between the client (user's computer) and the Web server (users are trying to connect). The client and server use the header to define the request. Some webservers set an upper limit for the length of headers. Typically the solution is to clear the cache and cookies in your browser, making sure to completely close all browser windows after doing so. Follow the link for the instructions on how to. Be sure to restart your browser before reopening Blackboard. https://sites.google.com/bloomfield.edu/bb-for-students/home?authuser=0#h.q28gxdyr7l9c

Where do I find all of my classes once I am logged into Blackboard?

In the navigation menu, click the Course Tab to open the Course page. All the courses should you have registered should be listed there. Even the courses that you currently can't access (labeled Private). If a class is not there, make sure you have registered, then contact the IT Helpdesk.

What is my Blackboard username and password?

Your Blackboard username and password are the same as your myBloomfield Portal account.

If you need to reset the password for Blackboard, see below "How to reset my Blackboard password.

How to reset my Blackboard password?

Blackboard uses the same password as the Portal has, so when you change the password for Blackboard, it actually affect all campus accounts. So keep that in mind. See the steps how to change the password for your account

How do I access Blackboard on mobile devices?

Blackboard can also be accessed through Mobile App. Blackboard Mobile App for students is called Blackboard, and is available for IOS, and Android devices. Read more details...