Q & A - Course Activities

Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions concerning Blackboard. For more helpful guides, visit the How-To Guide and Tutorials section.

How I can receive emails/messages sent by my instructor from the Blackboard courses?

To receive emails from courses, you must set notifications for your account to receive the emails. Follow the steps below to set up the email notifications.

  1. Access Blackboard, click your name to open the profile page, then select Email Notifications [1]

  1. Under the Email Notification, select Email me right away and check the New message box [2]

  1. Click Save

I can’t find and/or open an assignment, test, etc.

If you are having an issue locating course content, please contact your instructor for further assistance. Your instructor might make an assignment unavailable until a certain date or until other criteria has been met. Contact your instructor.

How can I see my grades?

You can view your course grades in Blackboard by click My Grades on the menu.

How do I review answers and feedback after submitting a test?

If your instructor set up the options allowing students to review feedback and answers, it can be accessed from My Grades. Follow the steps below:

  1. Click My Grades from the left-hand course menu

  2. In the My Grades area locate and click the test you would like to review answers

  1. In the View Attempts area, under the Attempts section, click on the score under Calculated Grades, which will open the Review Test Submission page where you can see answers and feedback allowed in this test.

How do I access feedback and marks from my instructor on assignment I completed?

  1. Click My Grades from the left-hand course menu

  2. In the My Grades area locate the assessment. If you can see a small blue speech bubble next to your mark or grade your instructor has provided a general feedback on your work.

  3. Click the bubble to access feedback.

I was kicked out of my exam. What happened and what should I do?

If you experience problems during a test and cannot continue, contact your instructor immediately. If it's possible, use your phone to take a picture of the screen where the issue occurred. A few reasons that you might lose information in Blackboard include:

  • Your Internet connection dropped or The browser refreshed