4-12-13 Rehearsal Reminder, New Details & To Dos!

Post date: Apr 12, 2013 10:38:20 PM

Good afternoon Chorale parents!

First a reminder that next Tuesday’s rehearsal is both


Tuesday, April 16th 3:00-5:00pm


1. Chorale T-shirts and costumes (with the exception of pants) need to be brought to school for Tuesday’s TECH, the 23rd Run-thru, and the 24th Musical. This is the first year we have ever done costume changes during the course of the musical! Woo Hoo! No hair-dos, etc needed- just working on getting Chorale shirts over class costumes, then Chorale shirts off & accessories on fast. Clear as mud? Ha ha! Your kids know what I mean.

2. Chorale T-shirts MUST NOW be labeled! Please either put tape on the back inside collar or sharpie initials on the tag. These shirts will end up all together in a box backstage and we need to get them out again QUICKLY.

3. Class by class, individual costume information, CLICK HERE. Please make sure you’re on the same page with your child in this area. Thank you so much- that alone will help me tremendously time-wise for Tuesday.

4. 6T Girls who have not already purchased their tye die shirts: Please let me know if you are opting out, need a scholarship or are planning to purchase ($10). No pressure, no worries, just tying up some loose ends. I appreciate you letting me know either way.

5. Looking ahead to Party fyi: We will have our year-end party on the same day as the musical this year. Lunch will be provided. We will also be wrapping things up and praying off our 6th graders into their future Jr. High adventures.

Today I had your kids together for the last time before we hit the stage next week. Though there are still many, many details to be worked through, I was reminded of just how great they really are. How good they sing. How fun they can be. And how much I love working with the whole big bunch of them! As we strive for excellence together, I encouraged them to take the time this weekend to do any necessary individual “work” as unto the Lord. He is so worthy of all our efforts!

Have a wonderful weekend~
