Cobalt C1409

    C1409 Vector Network Analyzer

Cobalt C1409 Vector Network Analyzer

The Cobalt C1409 Vector Network Analyzer 4-port analyzer operates in frequency range from 100 kHz to 9 GHz, offers a typical dynamic range of 162 dB (1Hz IF BW), and sweep speeds as low as 10 microseconds per point. Designed for operation with any Windows PC or laptop, C1409 efficiently handles advanced test applications, providing an unmatched price-performance combination for S-parameter measurement for this frequency range. 

Cobalt C1409 Vector Network Analyzer provides a wide variety of analysis capabilities, including time-domain with gating and frequency offset modes, at no additional cost. Collection of metrology-grade S-parameter test results can be achieved manually or though automation in Python, MATLAB, Excel, C++, VB.NET, or LabVIEW. 


   Keysight E5071C 

    Keysight E5080A

       Cobalt C1409 Vector Network Analyzer Vector Network Analyzer