La Kopi Event Ended

We officially ended the La Kopi Event today. It was a 3 day event and we learned lots. Despite us having made substantial loss during the event due to the booth cost incurred, we learned many life lessons and convinced ourselves that booth sales just do not really work for products which are not actively consumed. Also with the onset of ecommerce nowadays, the booth should more of be used to act as a supplement to other marketing efforts instead of being used as a sales channel, something which we might not have thought through. To avoid too much repetition of posts, we have penned down our thoughts through our individual blogs where you could take a look.

If you looked at the pictures we have definitely improved so much more on our merchandising skills in the meantime and this is something which we can be glad to say that we really learned as perception is everything. We need the booth to look good to even attract eyes to begin with. How do we get a customer without even getting leads?

Great Event! Do head to our individual blogs to read more! ^^

Cheers ^^

EcoTumble ❤