First Roadshow Complete

23 Dec 2018

We have finally completed our first roadshow!!!! Let's do a short recap on what happened!!

Day 1:

We started off the day at *SCAPE with much excitement for what was going to happen and we were expecting our booth to rake in a lot of traffic as we were located right at the place where many people will walk past.

The evening was too dark as the lighting at our booth had some problem. This resulted in zero sales as no one could even see our products.

Sometimes we win, sometimes we learn. We will not be too disappointed on the outcome for Day 1 and we hope that it would be much better for Day 2.

Day 2:

Day 2 was rather silent in the morning for Sunday. We did expect there to be some traffic. It was much better this time in the evening as Sida brought us some fairy lights to light up our booth and in the dark it looked quite nice and really attracted quite some attention. We broke even on day 2 as well so it was not too bad. We did also get an opportunity to have our next event booth for free as we were approached by an adjunct lecturer from JCU today! Lucky us!

Sometimes we win, sometimes we learn.

We do need to be careful on booth sales next time definitely. Do refer to individual blogs to see how we all felt about our booth sales!!!

Cheers ^^

EcoTumble ❤