French Intermediate

Background information

Begin with reference sources to get an introduction to your topic.

English websites & databases

Modern History

Modern World History Online: World history from the 1500s to the present. (user: maret password: frogs)

World History: The Modern Era: World history from the Renaissance to the present. (user: maret password: frogs)

Culture & Geography

Culturegrams: Maps and cultural information about every country in the world. (user: maret password: frogs)

World Geography and Culture Online: History, maps, and news about every country. (user: maret password: frogs)

Political Handbook of the World: Info about the government and politics of every country. (user: maret password: frogs)


Biography in Context: Profiles of people from around the world. (password: frogs)


NewsBank: English-language newspaper, magazine, and journal articles from around the world. (user: maret password: frogs)

French websites & databases

Culture The official website of France, which includes cultural and historical information about the country.


Le Monde: Premier French-language newspaper.

Le Nouvel Observateur: Premier Parisian news magazine, covering French and international social, political, economic, and business news.


Le Canard Enchaîné: Famed French political satire magazine (like the Onion, but better, and French!).

Libération: Leftist, French political daily, founded by Jean Paul Sartre after the student riots of 1968.

Important links