Literature and Theories of Knowledge: Art Movements (Estrada)

Background information

Introductory-level information on art movements.

**Login info—user: maret password: frogs

Academic databases

ProQuest Central: Magazine, journal, and newspaper articles on a wide range of topics. (user: maret password: frogs)

JSTOR: Journal articles on a wide range of academic subjects, including art history. (user: maret password: frogs)

Project Muse: Academic journal articles, primarily in the Humanities. (No offsite access available—you must search this from Maret.)

Art history websites

Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History: Extensive information on art and art movements from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Smithsonian Collection Search: Search for works of art and information across all Smithsonian collection, including more than 8 million works.

Smarthistory: Khan Academy's source for information on works of art and art history.