Civil Liberties: StudentCam Documentary

Online databases

NewsBank: Articles from hundreds of English-language newspapers from around the world. (user: maret password: frogs)

Issues: Understanding Controversy: Articles, maps, timelines, and multimedia pieces about contemporary social issues. (user: maret password: frogs)

Opposing Viewpoints: Essays, images, videos, audio clips, charts and graphs, and newspaper articles on both sides of contemporary social issues. (password: frogs)

CQ Researcher: In-depth reports on contemporary American issues written by experienced journalists. (user: maret password: frogs)

SIRS: Articles on both sides of contemporary issues, including articles from journals and magazines. (user: maret password: frogs)

Great websites

Photos and video

C-SPAN: Downloadable footage provided for the competition.

Creative Commons: Images and multimedia content from around the web that are free and open to use.

Discovery Education: Millions of videos, images, and other materials on a wide range of topics that you can download and use in your videos.

**Log in using your Maret email address as your username and "maretfrogs" as the password.

Legal Music for Videos: You can't use just any song as background in a video. This website gives links to sites that have music you can legally use for free.

Databases with lots of images

Important links