Mapping Inequality in DC: Public Housing

Overview of DC Housing Issues

"Affordable Housing in DC Through the Years" (Council member Grosso's website)—Brief history of DC public housing.

DC Housing Authority (government website)—News and information from the Housing Authority, including a list of all public housing properties in DC and information about each.

"District of Columbia Housing Authority" (Wikipedia)—Includes a list of public housing developments in DC and some links to additional information.

Sources for Researching Specific Communities and Issues


NewsBank—Portal to Local DC Papers: This database collects together 8 smaller local and university papers. If you follow this link and do the search in this window, it will search all 8 of those sources. (username: maret password: frogs)

Washington Post: DC's biggest daily newspaper, which includes extensive local reporting. (Let Ms. Schutte know if you need a login—

Washington City Paper: DC's largest weekly paper, focusing on local news and the arts.


JStor: This database of journal articles does contain some pieces on public housing in DC, particularly from a publication called Washington History. (user: maret password: frogs)

ProQuest Central: This database includes a few DC-area newspapers (current and historical), which contain information about specific issues and communities. (user: maret password: frogs)