

Spelling is a very important part of first grade. It is your child's first experience with studying as well as a very important skill that will help them become a better reader and writer. Through spelling, your child will work on, review and master basic spelling patterns and phonics rules. While studying for spelling can seem tedious at times, at this developmental age it is a crucial part of becoming a capable reader and writer.

Sight Words:

In addition to the 6 words that will help your child work on the spelling pattern for the week, each spelling list also includes 6 sight words. Everyone always has the same sight words regardless of the spelling list they have. I cannot stress enough how important it is to study and memorize these sight words each week. Sight words make up around 70% of reading. Mastering sight words will improve your child's reading ability. Please keep the sight words cards from week to week and continue to practice all sight words throughout the year!