Tyler Paladino

Tyler Paladino | Geosciences PhD student

Idaho State University


My PhD will focus on the realm of planetary analogs, specifically looking at volcanic features on both Earth and Mars. I will also be exploring eruption plume dynamics on Mars and their role in regolith hydration. For current/past projects, please visit here

6 month goals:

Finish ATHAM and MATHAM manuscripts

Polish workflow for GCM->MATHAM->GCM

Finish bones of thesis

Long term/program goals:

Finish PhD within 6 years (preferably 4)

Improve writing skills

Improve peer review/editing skills

Improve oral presentation skills

Become a good science communicator

Increased coding skills

Publish several papers on relevant topics

Decide if teaching is a route I’d like to continue following, and if so, improve teaching skills.










Lava tubes:

Thesis Writing: 

Past Weekly Goals



    Generalize wind profile for each atmosphere. mt st helens, somewhere in aleutions. somewhere in s. america. Singapore again?

        -average profile over season. Collapse wind dir to one direction

            -find max and min of values close to vent. PDF?? 

                -as opposed to 50 m/s being max.

        -jet stream should be at tropopause.

     Archive other sims and upload to gdrive. Keep flat profile runs. 

    Add in wtrac to netcdf output for ash tracers

        -create mega_trac that has 1st couple indices (4th position) as ash conc tracers vars, then after that have wtrac.

            -alter do loops to reflect this larger array. 

                -Which loops need to be changed??

            -figure out size of wtrac

            -Do some fanagling to get variable descriptions working. 

    Figure out how to export data to scratch directory on HPC

    Adapt submission bash script to run every single scenario at once. 


    -Talk to Donna re: Drone class



    Download the rest of the polar sims

    Brainstorm ideas for better stability calculation that takes ash conc into account. 

    Run flat profile at 

    Lognormal woods and Bursik 90s. Full distribution. Durant (cite this as grainsize distro) these things are arbitrarily chosen. Possible these grainsize distribution are about the same. mostly representative. Not perfect. These could shift somewhat with changing grainsizes (in discussion) Making it courser should do ...)

        Reread Durant. Search for anyone who's cited them. 


    Continue to adjust model to get working warm and wet atmos



    Rerun tropic and polar sims

    Run flat profile at 70 or 100 m/s 

    Send Shannon another draft if ready


    Try things Laura recommended

    Get pipeline up and running

    Message Meghan again



    Send BoV draft to Shannon

    Run some with flat wind profile. 


    Move things over to sawtooth


    Message Meghan again

        -She's running some tests

    run warm and wet scenario 

        -Getting negative pressure errors, trying to figure out why

        -Talked to Laura, I've got a game plan



    Keep working on wind paper. Try to have draft out by next week. 

Regolith Hydration:

    Keep fleshing out outline and start writing intro and some methods

Plumes on Mars paper?

    Make outline 


    Read up on Artemis stuff before interview



    Start process of writing manuscript of BOV

        Write 1 P summary of topic and send to SKN

    Run tropical and polar sims with same wind profile as mid lat

        -HPC down for maintenance, but things are queued


    Wait for Robin to get back to you

        -Meeting next friday!

    Run some sims with modern atmos and look at collapse scenarios (paper?)

Long term:

    Make contingency plans for if I'm on EPSCOR

    Read more papers!!!



    Start process of writing manuscript of BOV

        Write 1 P summary of topic and send to SKN


    Wait for results from 95co2 run


    Touch base with press release. Ask to see it before it goes out and send to SKN

    Excitement, enthusiasm and gratitude. Don't say anything about assumption of what you'll be working on.

    Don't be too self deprecating. This is about you!

    What do you wanna say? 

    Have a bit to say about Artemis

        what are goals?

    don't be afraid to educate them! 

    why am i as a volcanologist involved?

        most planetary surfaces are shaped by volcanism and cratering

    last few years been working on martian projects, but I'm excited to start getting on the moon!



    Initial conditions for 100% CO2 atmos on mars may just be numerically unstable in MATHAM. Add in some H20??


    Finish budget

    Have a few more people look over grant

    Resend link to draft folder to SKN

    Write 1 pg statement of work



    Finish processing ATHAM data in MATLAB (should be done by today)

    Start process of writing manuscript of BOV

        Write 1 P summary of topic and send to SKN


    Work on grad symposium powerpoint 



    Ask Matthew to help you with debugging code. Why is it going so slow. Can you help find where things grind to a halt? 

    Try to run sim at diff location to add to LPSC poster


    Send off latest draft to everyone

    Finish Geslin

    Check TI figure

    Remake and add moon TI figure. 

    Remind Donna about Drone upkeep costs. 

Write abstract for symposium!



    Schedule meeting w/everyone

    Add in Sitas things

    Add in Drone things


    Add figure labels


    message meghan again

    email matthew again

    Recheck inputs

    Keep working on reg hydration outline 


    Write more for wind paper

Look into grad symposium for ATHAM stuff



    Create epscor drive folder-send to Carrie, Donna, Brent, and Shannon

        biosketches, proposal drafts, budgets 

    Apply for Geslin

        financial support for travel. Then maybe fit Donna's stuff in. 

    Read Sitas thesis for characterizing full thermal signature!

        - I think I finally understand what she was doing! Super clever. 


    Consolidate GRS and ash dep figs. Draw polygons around these on GRS. Also add other volcanoes along with Apollinaris. Also animation. 


-Remind SKN to email Brandon


    Look into soil moisture index and remove signal from water in soil. also NDVI why not. ID that these are important for terrestrial. Makes it novel. Persistent ice on the moon, maybe soil moisture is important there? Look up if this is in the lit

    -Finding it a little difficult to find a method of removing vegetation signal from TIR. Might require a deep dive into radiative transfer modeling, which feels beyond the scope of the grant. 

    Make table of thermal inertia, these indices (NDVI, NDWI etc) whether they're for earth or moon. 

    Have some people read over grant, ask them specific questions outlines in EPSCOR solicitation 

    Work on consolidating equations into small table






Run 75m vent space in tropical profile. warm and wet, high tropopause


Modify viz code to calc NBH by taking vert profile 70 km downwind or so. Find median index of yes ash conc. Use full span as your error. 

Put in Ejafuyokil(???) as a case study. Try to get ambient wind and MER. Ketlovik winds. Look at U Wyoming

Create contour flow diagram of ATHAM sim to viz flow field. 

    -It looks RAD (oh and informative too I guess...)


    Get the model running on Sawtooth

        -Going back and forth with Matthew trying to get this to work. 



    Go through SKN edits

    Additional data layers from Karki thesis. Use methodology

        -In proposal, show that this is novel. Incorporating this methodology as well


    Work on poster


    Download 303 m runs


    Download MATHAM run when it finishes and transfer over to GCM

        -Problem with MATHAM sim. Talked to Meghan and think I fixed it, but now I'm stuck in queue 



    Get Landsat 8 nighttime thermal data

        if you can't, go for ASTER

    Get formal letters of support Brent and Wyatt

    Get Stephen Wright to look over budget to get cost match up

    Sita Karki-read MS thesis

    email ben again


    email Laura again


    Do 303m vent size runs

    figure out  missing sims on hard drive 


    Ask Michelle about LPSC registration. Does it count as travel??

        -She says it doesn't count as travel, but that I can pay for it and be reimbursed if it's an allowable expense within Chrome River



    Get Landsat 8 nighttime thermal data

        if you can't, go for ASTER

    Also look at NASA ROSES for things due in March

    Get formal letters of support Brent and Wyatt

    Write paragraph for Brent-supply him with updates-collaboration consultant, he'll be a co author merging his work with ours

    Expand undergrad involvement 

    Get Stephen Wright to look over budget to get cost match up

    Email to Ben about CPI for paying undergrads

    Sita Karki-read MS thesis  


    Try setting pressure to 10^6

        -Didn't work :(


    Download sims and start more. Take stock of which sims got broken by falcon being down



    Read Rose & Durant paper

    Try to match Meghan's atmos

        Problems with setting atmospheric pressure to greater than 10^4 Pa


    Keep simmin


    do intro/methods for regolith/ATHAM papers


    Get back into Idaho EPSCOR grant

        -reread, edit

        -look into NASA SSW (solar system workings)

        -Figure out due dates for these

            -SSW is due 1/29/21 so.....

            -Idaho EPSCOR is due 3/31/21.

        -Email Carrie about high res thermal datasets.

        -Think more about what can be done without thermal inertia.



    Mars atmos comp/cold dry, warm wet, etc. How to change?

        -call Laura

            -according to Laura, anything above 40 to 50 um will just plummet out of the sky

                -I have nothing below that right now because of W&H's profile doesn't have much down there, but maybe we can find a phreatic profile with higher proportion of small grains that still Mars atmos friendly.

                    -Think I found a good profile.

                -Also now have an idea now on how to change atmos to warm and wet. 

                -resolution of model may have also been too low so I've doubled it and am running now


    Try to do 10^5 to 10^8 on each vent diameter

    mark numerically unstable with blanks or x's

        acknowledge limits of ATHAM



    -Try MATHAM run at lower MER with higher atmos

    -Look up atmosphere arch of early mars

    -visualize data in Arc w/GRS data. MATLAB?

        -fig for LPSC abs

    -Run diff eruption strengths.

        -pyrocalst densities



    -75 m runs

        -adjust vent velocity only.

        -look for flap behavior

    -run a sim with same rad/vel as 3E8 sim

    -'09 Carazzo paper to get real vent radii

    -'08 Carazzo paper to get real vent velocity



    Keep wroking on abstract

        -Done as much as I can without having data

    Send email to Suniti and Ehouarn about coauthorship


    Run 1st ash dispersal sim once MATHAM finishes

        -visualize data in Arc w/GRS data. MATLAB?

            -fig for LPSC abs


    Get sims downloaded when back home

    Keep working on manuscript

    output average stability percentage

    More flaps!


    Run diff eruption strengths.

        -pyrocalst densities




    -volume viz of 1E8

        -rerun at higher temporal res if needed

            -0 mps and 50 mps

    -volume viz of 3E8 at high wind speed (50mps)

        -rerunning at timesteps of 10 s

            -Not as unstable as the no-wind scenario


    -compile with debug flag and look into out of range error

        -Kind of a deadend. Lead me to callfis_p.f. Variable zdvfi out of range. Array is only 57 long, but trying to access 58. No idea where these numbers are coming from. Or what zdvfi even does. It only             seems to be present in the compiled code folders (i.e. libo). callfis_p is full of uncommented code so not sure where to go from here

            -Spoke with Ehouarn, I think we got things figured out!

                -May be a deeper bug with the entire LMD model

    -Write some intro LPSC things



    -Make calc_plane more robust (calculate ash flux through 5 planes)

    -Figure out formatting for GCM atmospheric profiles to MATHAM profile-MATLAB code

        -How does MATHAM interpolate between pts?

            -Is it pointless for me to interpolate in MATLAB?

    -What format will MATHAM accept as a profile?

        -look up formatting in SKN's Fortran book

    -Got it working!


    -proc 20 and 12 are both getting through code

        -proc 20 is slipping through logic gate by means of what I'm guessing is some arcane shit. Computers don't work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            -initialize mpi-volc before if statements

                -That worked!

    -initracer says it isn't finding volcano tracers.

        -but pdq contains volcano tracers and I've verified that my code is adding values to the array.

            -make sure you're running correct file

    -negative pressure breaking everything. This may have something to do with initracer problem above.

        -try putting first call flag around call to volcano in physiq

        -also try running in debug mode.

    -zdqvolc is filled with 8's on proc 0???

        -try running model for a year or so, then running from restart files with callvolcan0 = .true.

            -still negative pressure

        -try running model w/o volcano tracers and w/callvolcano = .false.

        -same but with volcano tracers still initilized

            -proc 0 still 8s

            -after 1st time step, 8s go away, but volc tracers are getting filled with numbers somehow. Every column, including h20 tracer columns.

        -maybe problem with poles???

            -Confirmed, negative pressure is occurring at North pole

            -but if letting sim run for a while with no volcano then adding a volcano, negative pressure occurring not quite at north pole. Maybe its occurring in multiple places?

        -Try removing firstcall flag from everywhere to see if problem is related to only adding ash at 1st time step

            -same pressure problem


    Count the flaps!

        -Seem to occur every 4 mins on average. Very regular!


    Brief description on Hawaii workshop


    +ISU grant workshop



    -calc mean and SD

    -Send high temporal res 3E8 run to Shannon

    -Fuzzy logic???


    -figure out meaning of col and surf.

        -surf is accumulated ash

        -col is total ash in vertical column above grid pt

        -look through code

        -Ask Laura!

        -plot wind vectors w/col and surf


    -LPI internship application

        Letters of rec:




        -email re:biosketch

    -Email Alexa Van Eaton

    -Email Brandon from Data vis class about getting access to INL GPU machines for ATHAM viz




    -Tweak stability thresholds in viz code

    -Look into PDC's being spawned periodically from above vent-Van Eaton paper??

        -Run 3E8 0mps sim with better temporal resolution


    -reduce MER

    -Raise max height


    -Visualize output data to see if things are working

        -Something's broken :(


    -Start LPI internship application

        Letters of rec:




    -Email Alexa Van Eaton


    -Sign up for dissertation credits

    -Email Brandon from Data vis class about getting access to INL GPU machines for ATHAM viz




    Tweak stability thresholds in viz code


    -reduce MER

    -Raise max height


    -Do more thorough testing for processor choice code wrt volc coords


    -Start LPI internship application

    -Email Alexa Van Eaton


    -Sign up for dissertation credits



    -make plane BIG

        -only sum values at grid point that have an ash concentration given by ash isovalue.        

            -Done. Still processing results


    -reduce MER

    -Raise max height


    -check to see if spacing between lat/lons is constant from core to core


    -code up haversine great circle distance calc and halfspace check to find correct processor

        -Done, haven't extensively tested though



    -Look up Augusto Neri for potential isosurface

        -for his PDAC paper, he uses concentration isosurfaces of 10^-4 and 10^-6.   

            -Implemented these with the 10^-3 one that was already present. They're fairly close to one another (especially 10^-3 and 10^-4). 10^-6 may be useful

    -Run everything I have through new viz

        -Some higher MER's don't seem to work with quantitative stability assessment

            -maybe this okay because it's so obvious qualitatively?


    -reduce MER

    -Raise max height


    -64x48 = 3072

        -divided by 24 procs = 128 which is roughly size of lat and lon. Coincidence?

            -check size of ngrid for each proc.

    -print out procs 1,2,3 in geometry_mod. See how lats and lons change from proc to proc

        -are lats split from core to core?

    -rewrite code to find volcano proc

        -loop through lats and lons. Calculate distance from each to volcano coords

            -save smallest distance per core.

                -core with smallest distance is the volcano core.



    -Find how bulk density is being calculated

        -Found it. Forgot I've already implemented it to make MER estimations

        -I think everything's correct in regards to us thinking the bulk density is too small. Mixing happens quickly I guess!

    -change isosurface value to something more realistic

        -find in literature???

    -change stability plane size-make bigger, see what affect that has

        Dampens effect from plume. Reduces its importance

    -change how stabiltiy plane is defined. Should be based on 100% scale


    -have GCM print zzlev and nlay

        -compare to MATHAM altitude levels

    -implement MATHAM input and data wrangling in volcano.f90

        -can use do loop to find length of input file


    -ngrid size in serial mode is (roughly) iimxjjm where iim and jjm are dimensions you set at compilation(e.g. 64x48)

        -I think lat lon variables sort of follow ngrid in that their size is the same, but are indexed in jumps divisible by iim

            -Is this because there are repeats in the lat lon variables? There are repeats in the latitudes in parallel

        -In parallel, ngrid = lat = lon. The actual number varies by processor. What is relationship between lat, lon, and ngrid????

            -Shouldn't latxlon = ngrid?

            -But also, physics grid may be split up differently? but if that's true, how does Laura's code work


    -Investigate why MATHAM sims are numerically unstable

        -Check density calculation

        -2E5 is fine, but 2E6 and 2E7 have the following warnings (I think it's one of meghans)

            Mass/kg > Density

                if ((sumtrac + sumtgas).gt.density(i,j,k)) then

            -I don't think this warning is a huge problem, however the CFL number is also sometimes greater than one. Maybe the higher MER's are just too high? Either that or I've majorly screwed up my MER             calculation and I'm actually inputting something ridiculous

            -After review of 2E5 in MATLAB, can confirm, MER's are correct, but might just be ridiculously high for such a thin atmosphere. Plume heights blast through the top of the domain.



    -Mess with multiple isosurfaces in diff tables

    -Get direct volume rendering working/look into

    -compare 0 or 5 or 50 m/s vertical profile

    -edit quantitative calc of plume stability

        -match qualitative

        -consider making domain larger? Will be confused by elutriation, but I'd like to try anyway

            -plane was clipping volcano geometry.


    -rewrite volcano file in F90

    -match MATHAM output to ssource format in volcano.f

        -figure out how volcano.f tracer output is formatted.

            -Meeting with Laura next week to figure this out



    vary MER and atmospheric characteristics (seasonally representative things in a few locs)

        -disable stop of sim when ash reaches edge of domain

    run GCM w/o volc to get pressure/wind dir/etc details for MATHAM input


    -density overlay

        -add in conditional to turn this on or off

    -fix max plume height not resetting between runs

    -compare 0 or 5 or 50 m/s vertical profile

    -prioritize low MER runs, but also do some high MER runs if possible. 


    Figure out where lat lon is first divvied up/ or any place that has this info (As long as its upstream of call_volcano) 

        Put in conditional to check if proc has volcano (input some latlon coords above this)

            -Searched for a whole day, but can't figure it out. Emailed Ehouarn for a nudge in the right direction

    match MATHAM output to ssource format in volcano.f

        -figure out how volcano.f tracer output is formatted. 


Main MATHAM sim runs

    -Correct prior MER estimation

    -list out all possible simulation params

        -include: MER, vent characteristics, volatile H20 conc, ash tracer conc, other ash tracer charcteristics, atmosphere characteristics*

            -atmosphere characteristics: This includes chemistry, pressure, and wind direction. Coordinate with GCM runs, talk to Laura about how to change atmos chemistry (does it make a big difference on planetwide scale?) and pressure

    -still working on a bash script to quickly change settings for MATHAM-GCM runs

Continue ATHAM sims.

    -plot up what I have right now

        -ID gaps

    -Figure out why MATLAB isn't working on Falcon

        -Backup 3E8 run.

        -Visualize 3E8 run

        -Bunch of god damn nerds using up the MATLAB licenses


    -Edit Kerber's volcano code in GCM to play friendly with parallel computing

    -Figure out upper bounds of resolution/pressure issue

    -Connect MATHAM output w/volcano.F in LMD GCM



Take stock of MATHAM sims

    -do more sensitivity runs

    -Figure out MATHAM list of conditions for MDAP things

        -run a few MDAP sims

        -figure out how many sets of variable you'll need (informed by sensitivity analysis)

Shift over ATHAM wind runs to MATHAM (write a bash script?)       

    -check to see if comparison runs are identical

        -Super different

              -still working on a bash script just to quickly change settings for MATHAM-GCM runs

Edit Kerber's volcano code in GCM to play friendly with parallel computing

    -Figure out upper bounds of resolution/pressure issue

    -Connect MATHAM output w/volcano.F in LMD GCM

    -Send shannon GCM code w/volcano

Try to visualize 30 day GCM run


Pray INL HPC comes back to life

    -Take stock of current ATHAM wind runs

    -Take stock of MATHAM sims

    -Run more sensitivity analysis MATHAM sims

    -Shift over ATHAM wind runs to MATHAM (write a bash script?)

        -check to see if comparison runs are identical

    -Edit Kerber's volcano code in GCM to play friendly with parallel computing

        -Connect MATHAM output w/volcano.F in LMD GCM

    -Do some test GCM runs

        -practice visualizing data

            -Do this for final proj in data vis class?

    -Figure out MATHAM list of conditions for MDAP things

Preliminary lava tube detection image processing

    -Ask Carrie about Landsat 8 collection 2

    -Figure out best way to download hella imagery

        -decide whether to do in GEE or Python

Comp tasks



    -Get Shannon prelim figure from tube stuff ASAP

        -Indian tunnel probably best

Read and summarize a few papers

    -Look at Brian's citations for papers you haven't read yet

    -lava tubes?



Work on BG & intros to atham wind and MATHAM GRS papers

    -steal some stuff from Bryan's thesis



Pray INL HPC comes back to life

    -Take stock of current ATHAM wind runs

    -Take stock of MATHAM sims

    -Run more sensitivity analysis MATHAM sims

    -Shift over ATHAM wind runs to MATHAM (write a bash script?)

        -check to see if comparison runs are identical

    -Edit Kerber's volcano code in GCM to play friendly with parallel computing

        -Connect MATHAM output w/volcano.F in LMD GCM

    -Do some test GCM runs

        -practice visualizing data

            -Do this for final proj in data vis class?

    -Figure out MATHAM list of conditions for MDAP things

Preliminary lava tube detection image processing

    -Ask Carrie about Landsat 8 collection 2

    -Figure out best way to download hella imagery

        -decide whether to do in GEE or Python

Comp tasks



    -Get Shannon prelim figure from tube stuff ASAP

        -Indian tunnel probably best

Read and summarize a few papers

    -Look at Brian's citations for papers you haven't read yet

        (Kaminski and Jaupart, 2001) - Good reference for typical eruption strengths and volatile contents. Also has definitions of plume stability regimes to cite later.

    -lava tubes?




Process visualizations for ATHAM wind runs

Finish summarizing hydrothermal Mars paper

Try to run LMDZ GCM again

Fix visualization code for lat-lon MATHAM

    Fix text elements

    Fix final text elements for entire code

Theistryukur InSAR

Run cool magma temp MATHAM sensitivity sim

    Get results from lower density sim

Look up LMD ancient Mars papers

    Also ask Laura


Continue sensitivity analysis

Get LMD compiled and working

More ATHAM-wind things

Theistareykir InSAR

    beg summer to early fall


Theistareykir InSAR

    beg summer to early fall

use the "phone" to contact Meghan


Look @ plane to find out vent diameter for sims

    -Seems to be eq from Meghan gives radius, although the numbers I'm getting looking at a horizontal vent profile are larger than twice the radius.

Do some C# and/or javascript tutorials.

    -focus on OOP

Try to download older version of MATHAM and do some sensitivity analysis


Email Ehouarn re: LMD installation

Set up meeting for last week of May with Kerber et al.


Keep texting Meghan to figure out vent things and stability plane

Get stability results from sims!

    -decide if there are gaps to fill

Regolith Hydration

    -incorporate everyone's edits

        - a lot of my responses to Sarah's edits are "I don't know!".

Email CS prof

Followup with INL Fall internship


ATHAM housekeeping

    -figure out any large gaps in MERs to fill

    -run slower sims that didn't get very far with longer walltime to get full output

        -Find which sims these are

    -code alterations

        -add in MER to figure automatically

        -figure out and fix stability infinity bug

        -add in if clause to show only max plume height for entire sim

        -method of automatically determining NBH?

        -output final stability assessment on last frame (average all stability values from each timestep?)

    -plot that shit up

    -Work on ash finger section of paper

Regolith Hydration

    -incorporate everyone's edits

    -Figure out MPI compile issue in LMD

        -talk to Matthew (INL)

    -Get MATHAM running again

        -Contact Meghan


    -Start reading environmental sampling book

    -Start thinking about potential grants to write

    -Send followup to LMD people



Contact Meghan again

Keep working on ATHAM paper

    -more ash finger stuff!

    -Problem with 5mps runs. Look into.


Send SKN finger papers

Contact Meghan again

Keep working on ATHAM paper

    -more ash finger stuff!

    -Problem with 5mps runs. Look into.

Keep practicing presentation


Go through Ashley's revisions. Keep tally/track of revisions to comments she made (highlight yellow in main doc. Keep sep doc of changes made-ref line number).

Interpolate some MATHAM profiles

    -so interpolated

    -Still having problems. Messaged Meghan out of desperation finally. Hasn't gotten back to me

Practice pres. Make not bad!!

Get back into ATHAM wind paper. Read again, expand.

    -Incorporate ash fingers into discussion section.

    -Working on it. Trying to get up to speed on ash finger literature.

Tasks for 3/30:

Send prospectus draft to Ash

Keep in touch w/Matthew


Slide revisions/practice!

Send Kerber paper to SKN

Run some ATHAM stuff in the BG

Tasks for 3/23:

Focus on BASALT part of prospectus

    -We're getting there!

Peer review w/Ash

dig a bit deeper into logistic regression?

bracket pressure runs in MATHAM. Midpoint between failed sim and running paleo sim. Rinse, repeat

    -Realized I had tracer percentages too high which may have lead to numerical instability. Rerunning now. If that doesn't fix the problem, I'll start braketing.

Follow up with Matthew

Find broad wind dir fig from either kerber or forget

make fig of deposits overlaid on real GRS 5x5 data.

Tasks for 3/16:

Read Gus's Paper and give edits

Read Mars lithology papers

    -basically boils down to they were able ot separately classify basalt and basaltic andesitte.

Write 2 pages of prospectus, 1 on reg, 1 on BASALT

Revise slides

Make figure using re-digitized volcanic deposit map polygons

Figure out logistic regression

Edit MATLAB vis code to be compatible w/lat lon coords

    -Mostly there. Small lighting issue with the latest update of MATLAB. It's not too noticeable though. I can fix it easily at an expense to code speed, but trying to find alternatives.

Figure out sim problem. Pressure too low? More cores needed? Follow up with Matthew

    -Seems numerically unstable at these pressures.

Tasks for 3/9:

Read Mars lithology papers

continue editing slides

continue prospectus

reach back out about plume fingers co-authoring

Write 1 page on BASALT

    -also 1 page on regolith

Hypothetical and real deposit fig

volcanic province fig

more sims!

Tasks for 3/2:

Keep playing with input profile file to find issue

 - check code to make sure that it isn't looking for a minimum number of vertical steps

    -It's not. I must have just somehow messed up the input file in some way. Things are running now

Search for Mars lithology papers/maps

    -papers from SKN. Haven't read yet.

What all elements were visible to GRS?

  - can you adjust oxides to make a first-order lithology map? Has someone already done this???

    -GRS chemical province map? Like what Gus had on his slides.

Edits to slides

    -done. Also made some edits/notes after MDAP meeting

Write ~3 pages of prospectus


reach back out about plume fingers co-authoring

Tasks 2/17 (email?):

Figure out error with input file

    -The unaltered input profile ran just fine, so I'll try editing the file differently this time and hope it works out. Falcon is down right now though.

Finish reading Carr and Tanaka papers

Get up to 20 slides, bring to meeting

    -Done (see email)!

Add to table of assumptions


Continue email about plume fingers

RD in Boise!

Tasks for 2/10:

Dig into specific heat for Mars question

    -Forgot that MATHAM dynamically calculates Cp,Cv! Meghan's sending me over her methodology for how she calculates them.

Finish reading Carr and Tanaka papers

Expand outline

Start slides

Consider making table of assumptions focused on model parameters


Poster - edit and print it

Follow up with plume fingers people, cc SKN

Follow up with Manchester guy about ATHAM output file (cc SKN)

Tasks for 2/3:

Find grain size distribution info

MATHAM parameters:   

   - velocity, vent diameter, eruptive density, MER, grain size distribution

   - magma chemistry {temperature and specific heat}, volatile chemistry

To choose compositions:

   - Read Carr 2010

   - Read Tanaka 2014

Submit to INL

Revise problem statement

Tasks for 1/27:

Read Glaze & Baloga

   - notes page of relevant info: issues with model as it would affect Kerber

Email Luju about GCM use

    -Says he can't help :(

Finalize draft of MATHAM conditions

Look for Woods and Bursik for grain size distributions for plinian/subplinian

    -Woods & Bursik, 1991? Bursik, 1993?

Find paper on rock types of Mars

    -Carr 2010 and Tanaka 2014

Email Eric Whiting about internship

  - after reply, apply/not

Write problem statement

Write outline (general, not detailed)

Email C3+3 to confirm acceptance

Tasks for 1/20:

Look at calendar to pitch dates to committee for oral exam

Read Glaze & Baloga and Kerber et al.

    -Found another Kerber paper from prior year (2012) that actually goes into eruption inputs.

Prep some pretty slides for Friday

Find/download GCM for Mars

    -Installed, trying to figure out how to use model/learn French

When Falcon is back, concentrate on Mars runs

   - make table of eruption conditions to use as checklist

INL internship application

Apply to C3+3 conference

Tasks for 12/6:

Make AGU poster draft

Tasks for 11/22:

Continue with simulations

Side-by-side with Mars vs. Earth

Keep waiting in queues....

Follow up with Suniti about 2x2 bin data

Emergency grader 

Term projects

Tasks for 11/15:

Re-run simulations

   - switch to different order of magnitude for MER

    -in progress

Make side-by-sides of Meghan's updated code vs other version for terrestrial

    -In progress (Been going back and forth w/Meghan all week trying to get MATHAM in Earth mode working. Think we finally got it.

make a few Mars eruptions

   - test stability space, what rises vs. collapses, what crashes

    -Stuck in queue land :(

Figure out how to reproject output from arbitrary XY space into Mars coordinates

   - try MATHAM output in lat/long

   - UTM with translation to different vent zones?

    -Working w/Di on this

WTF with GRS negative wt%?

    -Suniti's GRS data doesn't have this issue

What is CRISM footprint? Could it be better than GRS?

    10x10 km. Footprints aren't often continuous w/neighbors so this is probably out.

Tasks for 11/8:

Keep adding to Mars zones file

Start filling in simulation spreadsheet 

Compare terrestrial version of Meghan's code against current version

Run Mars codes

   - make something pretty for SK

Travel form

Tasks for 10/18:

Read Moudden and McC

MER check in progress

    -I did a stupid. MER actually much lower than previously thought. 1E6  kg/s

Start file on different Mars zones, possible eruptive conditions (cite)


Make spreadsheet of initial conditions, max height, neutral buoyancy height, stability

for sims, try much lower MER

    Currently running

figure out math class

Tasks for 10/11:

Find Moudden and McConnell, 2005

Check whether using % mass or % volume for MER calculation

Start file on different Mars zones, possible eruptive conditions (cite)


prelim review of sim outputs

{SKN: get MF here!!}

Do check-in meetings as needed to get your study materials

Ask SG about her computer learning idea

Tasks for 10/4:

Read/summarize Forget


Figure out actual vent speed and how it relates to the speed at the crater rim plane

Read/summarize 1-2 Mars explosive papers


Start file on different Mars zones, possible eruptive conditions (cite)

Continue sims

Tasks for 9/27:

Read/summarize Forget 

Read/summarize Bonadonna


Start Appendix help file

continue sims

start looking for papers specifically about explosive Mars regions (focus on morphology and chemistry)

red team review

Tasks for 9/20:

Follow up with SG and CB

Read Bonnadonna paper

Read Head and Wilson paper

continue with sims

double check collapse scenario

start looking for papers specifically about explosive Mars regions (focus on morphology and chemistry)

Tasks for 9/13:

Read/summarize 2 papers on Mars explosive volcanism

    Here and here

Talk to committee members

  - how many? what roles?

  - schedule written exam, week before Thanksgiving

Write out a brief plan of what sort of data and representation you'll need from MATHAM to answer MDAP questions


keep plugging away with simulations

Tasks for 8/9:

ATHAM: change wind direction to just one dimension

    Rerun sims with small dampening

MATHAM: hunt down output file

       y no mov (oDir, not odir)

Tasks for 8/5:

modify search plane code to calculate mass flux (area and density)

  - Display output in spatially relevant way

    -working on display. Math is done. 

Try turning damping variable way down -- does it change the low speed problem?

    -Fixed the low speed problem! Within 5 m/s of what set in setup input. Low damping may also have fixed 1200s anomaly. 

Try changing vent velocity to see if that impacts the 1200s thing.

    -n=1, but low damping seemed to have fixed this. I also ran a sim with higher velocity and a larger vent size, but it didn't run properly. Running again right now.

Try widening vent in comparison to already completed suite -- should trigger collapse

    -in progress

Complete/revise AGU abstract


Tasks for July:

Track down bug with atham higher wind runs

check on status of wind maximum search plane code

  - if done: use it

  - if not: write it

Make/find spreadsheet of runs to complete; update

Have fun and learn lots in Hawaii!

Tasks for 5/2:

Restrict wind max search to plane of vent

write Dispatch

Tasks for 4/24:

Figure out better way to find max w wind

{SKN read 6603 draft}

write Dispatch

finish summer app

   - send to SKN

   - email SKN to write letter, including deadline and email address to send to

Tasks for 4/17:

Start testing up/down threshold

Email dispatch paper to Shannon - here

EVE 6 - here

summer app cont

Tasks for 4/3:

Keep pinging MG


Solve MER calculation challenge

Keep expanding table

Start testing up/down threshold

Pick a new Dispatch paper and read it

Read Explosive Volcanic Eruptions 5

    -Summary Here

Start on summer program application

Tasks for 3/27:

write a script to go into folder, zip inputs/outputs, and delete outputs

Keep pinging MF

Q 1.1, part 2

Figure out how close MER estimates are to actual sim output

Moar sims

   - make a table of the conditions to want to test, start checking them off

Tasks for 3/13:

Confirm timing problem

If timing problem is real: write separate script to convert output to lower res

-Fake AF

Stay in touch with MF about zip problem

Ch1: 1.1 and 1.6

Keep running code

Tasks for 3/6:

Convert outputs to Real(4) from Real(8)

More 3D/viz

Prepare questions for Ch 3

Tasks for 2/27:

Keep playing with 3D and viz

  - to expedite 3D runs, create nearly-duplicate files

  - keep spreadsheet of conditions and run/crash time 

    -Working on it. Trying to make output more efficient first 

Re-revise manuscript, be aggressive

Revise Dispatch

  - write end

  - add figure captions/numbers

  - refer to figures in text


Skim Ch 3

Tasks for 2/20:

Simplify concatenation code

   - pick a time step and grab everything with that time step 

   - if you don't remove overlaps, what happens to display? (Do you need to remove overlaps?)

   - Based on how the above turns out, either add removal of overlaps, or add time steps

Try running 2D on falcon, single proc (submit with PBS)

Read atham manuscript, mark it up

   - looking for ways to make it stronger, to revise and resubmit

   - was previously "accepted with minor revisions" but didn't get done

First draft Dispatch


Skim Ch 3

Tasks for 2/13:

Re-run w/ stronger wind condition for stability plot

Update output file names in MPI code

    Successfully did this, but having lots of trouble data wrangling the output in MATLAB

Read Ch2 - skim

{SKN: send atham draft}

Select paper for Dispatch

Tasks for 2/6:

Work with new atham inputs, adjust display

  - work on stability plot

Try adjusting PBS request

Send D&B summary


Tasks for 1/30:

Try atham runs again, this time in cartesian (2D/3D)

 - In atham: find stable conditions for no-wind plume, then repeat for consecutively higher wind speeds 

    - Make plot of max plume height vs. max wind speed

Read/summarize plume collapse paper (D&G)

Add ASCII output to final picture output, and display (x, y, z, valueA, valueB, valueC)

Tasks for 1/23:

{SKN call MF}

Email MF

Continue to play with atham, looking for numerical stability

   - display output

   - install QView

Read 4 papers

   - bring questions

        here and here

In atham: find stable conditions for no-wind plume, then repeat for consecutively higher wind speeds 

    - Make plot of max plume height vs. max wind speed

falcon: learn PBS

Tasks for 1/15:

Get ATHAM working

  - laptop

  - falcon

Tasks for 12/20:

LuMOS citations/references

Sign up for field camp

Play with atham/viz (now with time steps!)

Read/summarize EVE4, Kobs and Bursik (2009?) for Inyo Craters

    here and here

Tasks for 12/11:

Confirm finals schedule

{Talk to LoT about independent study}

Sign up for field camp

For now: use atham on personal computer (figure out what MF did for netcdf when her code arrives)

Play with atham, try to visualize output

    Couldn't make it work

Read/summarize 1 paper (EVE3)


Tasks for 12/4:

Read 2 papers: Explosive Volcanic Eruptions II (Wilson); Condit and Connor (1996)

  -write summaries

Email Meghan F

Email BN to ask about netcdf.mod (which netcdf module version to load)

    He connected me with someone else who thinks we may have to build netcdf ourselves

Write ballistic code using runge-kutta 4 (read runge-kutta section of book)

try to install atham on laptop

Tasks for 11/13 (email):

Clean up final copy of Dispatch; send figures as separate files

Concept sketch pyroclastic flow vs. surge

In book: skim Ch1, read Ch 2 and write codes to track a ballistic rock using the forward derivative, euler, and midpoint methods. 

   - plot results and compare trajectories and final distances between the various methods and time steps (dt = 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 seconds), let Cd = 1

   - which is stable at larger time steps? How big?

Read Ch 1 in modeling book (soft cover)

Tasks for 11/6:

Write Dispatch

    Can be found here

Read EOV Pyroclastic transport and deposition


Email LoT about structure option

    She seems open to the idea

Ask CB about GIS

{SKN will email with coding problem}

Tasks for 10/30:

TAS fortran code

Read volcanic plumes in EOV

Read new Dispatch paper (Olympus Mons)

Relearn Navier-Stokes EQ (and other equations)

Tasks for 10/23:

F90 Ch 5&6

    -work through examples

Read fragmentation chapter(s) and volcanic plumes in EOV

Read new Dispatch paper(polar motion)

Relearn Navier-Stokes EQ (and other equations)

Tasks for 10/16:

F90 book:Chapters 3 & 4

Look up highlighted citations & read

Read Kobs diss

Pick new Dispatch paper

Tasks for 10/2:

Borrow F90 book

   - work through examples from first 2 chapters

Install gfortran on computer (gfortran -o ExecName fileName.f90)

    Already installed!

Minor edits on Dispatch


Skim SKN dissertation for ATHAM stuff

Keep reading through Nicholson dissertation

Tasks for 9/25:



  Fisher et al LPSC

  Read 1 paper from Fisher refs (collect the others)

Work on learning C

Minor edits on Dispatch

Tasks for 9/18:

Read/write more

Tasks for 9/4:

- read/summarize 2 more papers

   Done. Can be found here and here

- revise the dispatch

   Done. The figure captions feel rough to me, so I still have to mess with them a little bit. Link is here

- ask Ashley to help you steal the parallel and distributed computing textbook from my office (or use her copy -- she took that class); read chapter 1

   Done. A lot of the C code examples went a bit over my head since I’ve never worked with C before, but I understand the concepts.

- Fix the broken image on your webpage (it tells me that I don't have permission to see it)

        -Fixed(I think)

- Keep settling in to the department and Poky. Go do something fun!

Tasks for 8/28:

Submit INL cluster paperwork (work with Ben N, email)

Find/Read/Summarize 2 more papers using ATHAM

   - start library and notes in Drive/other source

Pick a recent paper on anything and write public-facing summary for Dispatches website

Work on populating webpage

Next meeting will be email, so please copy this list into email with updates below each item, including links. Please also highlight questions in summaries -- SKN will reply

Tasks for 8/22:

Pick a couple day/times that would work for weekly meeting, email SKN

Submit INL cluster paperwork

{SKN: Send paperwork to Tyler}

Find/Read/Summarize 2 papers using ATHAM

   - start library and notes in Drive/other source

Pick a recent paper on anything and write public-facing summary

Work on populating webpage