Clarissa Enslin

Research project:

M.S Geology Degree goals:

  • To become better familiarized with methods and techniques used to solve geological problems.

  • To develop an in-depth knowledge of snow modeling and the factors that are taken into account when creating realistic models.

  • To gain more research experience within the field.

  • To be more confident in applying theoretical, conceptual and observation knowledge to the analysis of geological problems.

  • To be able to discuss geologically related issues that have an impact on society.

  • To demonstrate and further develop my ability in writing and communication within the Geosciences.

  • Submit 1-2 papers for publication.

  • Present research at regional and national meetings.

  • To further familiarize myself with reading and correctly interpreting scientific literature as a foundation for my research projects.

  • To form good relationships with my advisers and fellow graduate students.

  • To be employable in a Geology-related field after the completion of my graduate studies.

Activities for 9/23:

mass weight Ta and windrose by amount of precip falling at that time.

-redo figure to accommodate for this

Do powerpoint for WCWAVE

Do poster and abstract for WCWAVE

Activities for 9/8:

talk to TC about communications and plans for validation of tools

email MT about status on VWP

Merge edits on word document

Look at WSL website -> for more data availability on RST data.

Continue working on figure edits

Activities for 7/30:

Make list for toolboxes needed on MATLAB

Create updated timeline for prospectus, including one if VWP is unavailable. Circulate prospectus.

Email MS

Accept invite from DM

Send follow up to authors about invitation

- email TL, considering second session with model inputs

Boise visit authorization: blanket TA, ground travel (4round trips) give block date.

Email Carrie, see if it is okay to miss class for 3 weeks (2 weeks for thesis, 1 week for seminar)? And if I could remotely connect.

Sign up for essed

Email MT

Rough Draft of poster - AGU

Submit AGU Abstract

Activities for 7/14:

Email MT to set up meetings for JD data and VWP runs.

Complete QC for wd & ws

Wind correct 124b precip

Email PK snow filter tool

Send JJ some data for input generation.

- Select 1 WY

Start drafting figures for paper

Get soil data

- no l-1 data, but have one station sample data.

Activities for 7/7:

Email possible authors on abstract and see if they want to be included or not (find out preferred publishing name)


- Pending: DM

- Denied: SKN

Double check abstract

Start writing data paper

Email PK for snow depth filter tool and do.

- work with PK to debug code: incompatibilities with Mac and Windows.

Gap fill tripod stations

Become an AGU member

Activities for 4/27:

follow up with all re: Jun Boise trip and submit new TA

SEG: finish prospectus edits

finish term projects for geomorph & programming

gather together syllabus, transcript etc. from NM and BSU classes (end of semester)

Activities for 4/20:

email PK and schedule Boise trip

finish edits on Prospectus

Prepare prospectus presentation

gather together syllabus, transcript ect from NM and BSU classes (end of semester)

Activities for 4/13:

email PK and schedule Boise trip

schedule Skype/phone mtg with DM (postponed)

start revising prospectus (aim for 4/17 to SG/SKN pending Boise trip dates)

attend WCWAVE meeting

Activities for 4/6:

go through QA/QC example with SG

contact DM about rescheduling meeting, send copy of Sage's thesis

complete prospectus 1st draft, emphasize controls

Activities for 3/30:

revise hypotheses based on our discussion

propose plausible scenarios to test at least a couple of these hypotheses

reschedule Boise trip for April

compile request for SG to take to Boise by Thurs

schedule meeting with JJ, DD, SG, SKN (or as many as possible)

Activities for 3/9:

set up trip to Boise to meet with Danny (contact Donna)

set up meeting with M Turner

duration of storms, relative to quiet spells between storms

average intensity vs. peak intensity

{SG: look up more anticipated climate scenarios}

Activities for 3/2:

ask Reinhardt re monsoon refs and read

read Kumar, precip in Dingman

brainstorm future precip distrib scenarios

W/F re: Matt re: VWP

- start looking through data for QA/QC

- plot T timeseries for all stations, looking for bad values

- JMP, formulas using flags to find problematic points

Activities for 2/16:

find and read Kumar(?) PIHM paper (post to share)

identify 2 years for JD analyses (NRCS reports will be helpful)

- start looking through data for QA/QC (followed up with MS)

- plot T timeseries for all stations, looking for bad values

- JMP, formulas using flags to find problematic points

{SG: email Tim}

Activities for 12/17:

talk to DM about collaboration volunteering for field data processing

ponder undergraduate internship

start prep on presentation for WAVE meeting (will practice presentation in Jan)


Activities for 12/10:

email JJ and MT about snow depth data; if they don't have it, ask DM (get email approved prior to sending)

run model for 1983 (high) and 1977 (low)

Another 1 sticky-noted page in HoS

Start thinking about over-break goals

Discuss: weekly meeting days for next semester?

send snow photo to SG

Activities for 12/3:

isnobal images: for a) big drift year and b) low drift year: early, mid, and late season snow depth

isnobal image: recreate Winstral image at 10m res for comparison

Lower priority: read 1 p from sticky-noted HoS

Activities for 11/19:

skim Handbook-o-Snow and mark sections for detailed reading. (DO NOT READ YET)

explain Sx/Sb (contact SKN/SG if need sooner)

write code for precip text file

email PK re: matlab code

access files on glacier; return hd to DM

email DonnaD to approve mail expense to return hd

Activities for 11/12:

try adding full path to executable call in code

- text MF about code issue

Write good explanation of Sb/Sx, be prepared to teach SKN and SG

Pick top 2 papers to start, send to SKN&SG, write abstracts

skim Handbook-o-Snow and mark sections for detailed reading (started)

continue to transfer data to glacier

drop quick email to Danny to let him know status of hard drive

Activities for 11/4:

dig through archived gray lit for wind synonyms (advection, redistribution, etc.)

Talk to Meghan about error: cannot find isnobal in final script

search for PK's dissertation - look for explanation of Sb, etc.

search for Handbook of Snow (library, ILL?)

transfer new files to Lithium

<step 1: Run code at 10m res, compare to field observations>

practice with Web of Science searching, expanding on related papers/terms. Collect new papers.

{SG starts WoS search, 5-10 seed papers; will send to CE}

Activities for 10/29:

see CoSETech about power supply, extracting files to Lithium

- get files off

scan through Handbook of Snow (black body radiation; thermal flux mechanisms; variation in fluxes in space and time)

read/abstract Pomeroy (w/ Helgeson, 2012; w/ Minard et al., 2014)

email WC WAVE re: summer schedule

download and scan through abstracts Western Snow Conference Proceedings (2014 or most recent) for recent wind work

Activities for 10/22:

{SG to contact Pomeroy about drifting}

test getting files from external hard drive onto personal machine; contact if additional machine needed ->

{SG looks for power supply cord}

talk to SG about plans for meeting in NM; travel to SA

write short priority list of goals

Activities for 10/10:

-- Read latest Winstral, Marks papers

-- Begin wind/drift papers search

-- Work through input file modifications

-- Compile questions to work on with D.

-- 1-2 pp. summary (incl. what you've read/what's been done, possible research gaps/opportunities, your key question(s), and research plan)

Activities for 10/1:

-- Begin to modify code for Dry Creek inputs

-- Attend CZO All Hands meeting

-- Follow up with Danny re: possible meeting on 10/10

-- What is actually printing the metadata with the scale info? (grep -n word *.sh)

-- Read wind papers

Activities for 9/17:

-- Email Angela Gregory about the ISNOBAL workshop

-- Email Danny about Committee participation

-- Ask Joel to help tutor me on process of input data for ISNOBAL

-- What is actually printing the metadata with the scale info? (grep -n word *.sh)

Activities for 9/10:


-- What do the band numbers mean?

-- How to interpret years in example run?

-- Units and scale bars?

-- convert input binaries to tiffs/ASCII tables so that we can see what we're putting in?

work on equations table

run PK's text data to make input binary files, use diff to compare to existing (old) binary files

Activities for 9/3:

see CoSETech about "Permission denied" for ipw2grid

contact viz team (Chase) to see about viz status update

finish iSNOBAL section of bestiary

finish equations table

Overall Fall 2014 goals:

plot and interpret pilot runs of RME iSNOBAL results

help with majors and minors fair

prep draft poster for Jan '15 for WCWAVE meeting

Dispatches from Geosphere outreach

Activities for 8/26:

grand meeting with Meghan (Friday)


<new student required activities>

continue working on bestiary - complete isnobal section; start populating equations table

Tim Link: translated code to another language? (follow up) UI

Activities for 8/19:

meet with Meghan (missing Makefile, running code)

follow-up email with JM for data source alternative

check with CoSETech about noMachine access (SKN, others)

update bestiary to include iSNOBAL, start PRMS; start thinking about sequential events/timeline of development

Activities for 8/12:

continue bestiary - more refs on SNTHERM, finish marked passages in current version

download data through Pangea site, practice loading data into run (won't be able to tell if good or bad)

email to request help with configure on lithium (joint access: CE, SG, SKN, MF, wJJ)

Activities for 7/29:


continue bestiary

waiting on tech support for lithium installation

- once install goes through, try to follow PK's steps through a simple model run

Activities for 7/21:

Continue bestiary (see refs for TopoFlow on the CSDMS page and in pubs folder)

Get ISNOBAL running on Lithium

Request access for Lithium from CoSE Tech

Activities for 7/15:

Continue bestiary

Meet with Meghan ASAP

read up on UNIX/Linux navigation commands (pwd, ls, ls -l, cd, mkdir, mv, cp) for cygwin

Susong 1999 paper

Activities for 7/8:

continue reading Ch 5 of Dingman

read Winstral et al. (2009), summarize

abstract search: snow modeling (Web of Science)

- start on bestiary (spreadsheet is fine; prepping for lit review)

- early emphasis: UEB, SNTHRM, TOPOFLOW snow energy balance, Shaw, PRMS

install gcc (free online, if not already installed)

meet with Meghan to discuss isnobal, install (must install after cygwin 64)

update website -- customize at will

Activities for 7/1:

Read C.5 of Dingman

Read Winstral et al. 2012 (AWR),

Winstral & Marks 2002 (HP),

Marks et al. 1999 (HP),

Kormos et al. in press (JoH)

Snow melt is essential as it is the primary source for groundwater recharge, soil moisture and stream flow particularly in mountainous regions. I will be utilizing the ISNOBAL model to model snowpacks in the rain-snow transition zone under expected future precipitation scenarios. My research site is the Johnston Draw watershed which is a sub-watershed of the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed, Idaho. ISNOBAL is a spatially-distributed energy balance snow model that simulates snow-cover development and ablation from images of distributed meteorological forcing variables. ISNOBAL will improve our understanding of the complex processes that occur between the topography, climate and moisture availability in mountainous regions, allowing us to better use our water resources.