DTQ Teacher Edition

DTQ stands for Daily Timed Quickwrites.

Why do I do it?

How do I do it? Before and after one-to-one.

Which one is better?

  1. Paper version
    1. Weekly form students use for writing. They get it on Monday and turn it in Friday. Students will need five for each grading period.
    2. Recording/reflection form for the end of the grading period. I copied mine on cardstock. Give them at the start of the grading period so they can record each week and then turn them in the last week of the grading period.
  2. Digital version
    1. Go to classroom.google.com. Use the join code 7802w9, and you will be enrolled in "English Summit 2016." This will allow you to play along today.
      1. Use the link in the document to go to the spreadsheet and get the week's topics.
      2. Wait for the timer, and complete the writing.
    2. Record scores. This link will force you to make a copy of the document so you have one of your own. This is another good way to share documents with others beyond GClass. It's super easy. Take your link, delete the word "edit" and everything after, and type "copy" at the end of the URL.)
    3. Reflect at the end of the grading period.
    4. Rinse and repeat.

Sample grading period (paper version)

Week one Monday: Distribute papers. Add topics to each day. Complete 1-min writing. Have students record total and w.p.m.

Week one Tuesday: Complete 2-min writing. Have students record total and w.p.m.

Week one Wednesday: Complete 3-min writing. Have students record total and w.p.m.

Week one Thursday: Complete 4-min writing. Have students record total and w.p.m.

Week one Friday: Complete 5-min writing. Have students record total and w.p.m. Collect papers.

Weeks two-five: Repeat.

Week six: Have students complete reflection questions. Staple papers to reflection card and turn in by Thursday.