Remind 101

Instructions for Accessing Remind 101

You can sign up for Remind101 to receive notifications about the class such as upcoming due dates.

AP Environmental Science P.1/2

You can join the class group in two ways:

1) Through Text Message: simply text:

@lorax12 to the number 81010

2) Through Email: send a blank message with no subject to:

By choosing to join by phone or email, you are deciding which way you will receive your notifications.

AP Environmental Science P. 4/5

You can join the class group in two ways:

1) Through Text Message: simply text:

@lorax4 to the number 81010

2) Through Email: send a blank message with no subject to:

By choosing to join by phone or email, you are deciding which way you will receive your notifications.

Earth Science Period 8/9

You can join the class group in two ways:

1) Through Text Message: simply text:

@rocks89 to the number 81010

2) Through Email: send a blank message with no subject to:

By choosing to join by phone or email, you are deciding which way you will receive your notifications.

*This site should only be used in a school appropriate manner. All of the rules of the school extend beyond the school walls and apply to this online resources. If I find that you are misusing the site in any way, you will be removed from the group and appropriate school disciplinary action will be taken.