Ineligible Bussing

An ineligible student resides less than 1.0 km for grades K-6 or 2.0 km for grades 7-12 away from their designated school.  If you reside in the towns of Wainwright, Vermilion or Kitscoty, please complete the Intown Bussing registration form for that town by choosing the appropriate link on the left.

All ineligible students are required to pay a fee.  Payment plans are available, and you can pay by cash, cheque, money order or we now have the option to pay online.  Find your school on the BTPS website, click the school your child attends (ECACSS, LPSD, and LCSD students will have to go to the Transportation Department page), select the parent page of the school's website, and select pay fees.  All you need is your child's ASN number. You can also pay by e-transfer:  Recipient is and the message must contain, school, students name and the service you are paying for.

Your designated (closest) school is the school that is found within the transportation service area boundary for which you reside.  For most families this is your closest school.  Please see the transportation service areas on our website at for more information (scroll down page to pink area).

Transportation services may be extended at no charge to an ineligible student who: