Year 4 2024

Hello everyone in Rooms 30, 31, 32 & 33.  You've done a fantastic job of working on your 'Rock your Recorder' books - pretty soon we will be starting Book 2.  But first, we have an assembly in Week 6 which is being led by the Year 4 team.  So, here is your waiata and musical performance piece for you to work on.  We will also spend some time in the Studio getting it looking and sounding wonderful.  Have fun!

Here's our  waiata...'Tutira Mai'.  When you all know the words (kupu) really well, we will add in the actions.  

When you listen to this version below, you will notice that the boys get a bigger part.   Look at the words underneath to see what their words are.

Tutira Mai

Here's the actions we are going to use with Tutira Mai.   Look carefully at the actions and importantly which direction you go - left or right.   We will be working on these at school but if you can do some extra practise you will be that much better with your actions.  

So that's the here's the musical performance piece.  We will start by learning it on recorder.  Here's a really good way to practise.

Learn the first line.

Learn the second line then learn the first and second line together

Learn the third line then learn the first and second lines then the third line together.

Then learn the last line and put it all together.

If you have a bit that your find harder, just practise that bit over and over again until you get it right.  Then join it up with the other lines.

By the Beach

Here's the music track to go with it.

By the Beach.m4a