Personal Finance

Course Description

The purpose of this class is to help the student make choices in life that will support their lifestyle. Life brings many challenges especially when it comes to money. The student will research options and make choices based on what best fits their needs, wants, and budget. Some of the topics that may be covered include: financial planning, career, keeping records, saving, investing, auto insurance, credit cards, online banking, buying and maintaining a car, buying food, clothing and an apartment or home, and understanding a paycheck.

Required Materials

*these items are for this class only and are to be brought everyday

1. A Folder with pockets to keep all materials given

2. Student ID and Password to access your school computer account

3. Your school Gmail account

4. Pen/pencil

5. Charged Chrome book


Classwork/HW 60%

Tests/Projects 30%

Quizzes 10%

*You will be given a midterm and final exam.

Class participation is essential to the success of the class. Sharing your experiences and ideas makes this class more fun.

Regular class attendance is necessary. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed upon your return.

You can contact Mrs. Selby at:

Room: C110

Phone: 856-547-7695 x3110 or voice mail x4739
