Change Management: Exploration Programs

Change Management – Why an Exploration Program?

  • According to McKinsey around 70% of organizational change initiatives fail…

  • According to a Towers Watson 2013-1014 study:

    • Organizations are able to identify only 48% of the necessary organizational changes to be successful;

    • Only 55% of change initiatives meet their initial objectives for change;

    • Only 25% of organizational changes are successful in the long run…mostly due to the organizations’ inability to prepare and train employees to be effective change leaders. On this point there is something else very curious; the survey also said that 87% of change leaders get trained, however only 22% of the trainings are effective;

    • To finish this statistic data; only 68% of senior leaders understand the message about the reason behind major change, only 53% of middle leaders understand the reason and only 40% of first line supervisors understand the reason.

Today, with Google and a little time, you can get more statistics about organizational change success factors and theories. However, with only the few statistics I have shared with you; it should be adequate to avoid any high risk for your next organizational change initiative. It is for that, we created “Exploration Programs”. Organizations have high failure rates in their change initiatives. “Exploration Programs” dramatically improve organization’s success rates in your organizational change initiatives, period!

Change Management – What do you get when you participate in an Exploration Program with us?

  • Decrease the resistance to organizational change;

  • Decrease the frictions generated by organizational change;

  • Avoid a large sum of money invested in advance to implement a change with a high risk of failure;

  • Start your change with a 100% of ‘buy-in’ already committed in the Exploration Program;

  • Make faster and better decisions with output information at the end of the program;

  • Increase the success factor of every single change you administer;

  • Support a more collaborative approach in a continuing role of your organizational culture;

  • Increase the team dynamics and knowledge base;

  • Increase people motivation.

Change Management – What is an Exploration Program?

An Exploration Program is an easy and inexpensive way to evaluate and start to work in a potential organizational change. Before embracing any organizational change process in your organization; from a minor change to a major change, an organizational change expert will spend between two and four weeks with you and your organization.

At the end of the Exploration Program, the organizational change expert, using inclusive, creative, collaborative, and 3D tools, will provide to you:

  • A list of five to ten “most important” initiatives with:

    • Priorities;

    • 100% of commitment and engagement from people affected by your organizational change;

    • Buy-in percentage reached during the Exploration Program;

    • Support needed for each initiative (Who?);

    • A champion interested to lead each initiative.

  • A “How-to-improve” plan for the 3 top initiatives (with next steps and specific action items).

  • A second list of ten to twenty “secondary” initiatives with:

    • Priorities;

    • 100% of commitment and engagement from people affected by your organizational change;

    • Buy-in percentage reached during the Exploration Program;

    • Support needed for each initiative (Who?).

  • One-page communication plan for your change initiatives.

Note: The number of initiatives in each list will depend of the number of people affected by your change.

Change Management – What happens at the end of the Exploration Program?

You will have a few options:

  • You can start to execute one or more of the initiatives with your internal people/team(s);

  • You can start to execute one or more of the initiatives with your internal people/team(s) and the minimal support of our expert;

  • You can start to execute one or more of the initiative with your internal people/team(s) and the full support of our expert(s);

  • You could do nothing. Yes, you will discover new insights in this Exploration Program that you will need to address before starting any of the initiatives. It could happen and it is totally normal behavior. The most important thing is that you have the information readily available and you can make the decision with more clarity. In today’s organization this is priceless.

Key success factor of any Exploration Program

There is a simple factor that guarantees the success of this program: “Joint Accountability and Commitment”. Before starting a program, an expert will define with you the “Joint Accountabilities and Commitments” for the program. It is the best moment to relax, talk, and reflect about what you and the expert can do together to get the best value from this Exploration Program. It is proved. It is our “key” ingredient, it is simple, and it works!

Exploration Programs available today:

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