Inner Explorer Mindfulness Program

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

YCSD scholars and staff have access to Inner Explorer's daily mindfulness program. Mindfulness is defined as “the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us”. This is particularly true during the times we are currently facing with remote learning. Helping our scholars and their families spend 10 minutes each day participating in Mindfulness activities will help navigate these difficult times and take what we know about being fully present back into the school building when we are able to reopen.

Why Mindfulness?

Mental health experts suggest that stress management skills are more important than ever. Daily mindfulness teaches these skills and more. Students will learn how to calm themselves down, breathe deeply, and focus their thinking. These are skills that can help them throughout their lives if applied.

Mindfulness is popular because it is very effective for reducing stress and for improving focus which helps learning.


One can practice mindfulness any time. However, practicing mindfulness in the morning often sets the tone for a calm and lovely day.

Online Access Link

To access Inner Explorer and start your daily mindfulness practice, please click the link below:

Inner Explorer

Mindfulness at Home Resources:

Free Mindfulness App Link

In addition to the mindfulness practice that your scholars will get during school, families may access the free mindfulness app called Inner Explorer Home to use at home.

Inner Explorer Home

If you have questions, feel free to contact your scholar's teacher or me.