Counselor's Corner
School Counselor
Stacy Armstrong, LPSC
The Remind App
Ms. Armstrong's Google Classrooms
I've sent out Google Classroom invites to all 3rd-5th grade scholars. If you haven't received one, just let me know. In my classroom, you'll find resources for character education, emotional regulation, mental health, and wellness!
What is a School Counselor?
School Counselors (previously referred to as Guidance Counselors) support all students in grades PreK-12 with academic achievement, social and emotional development, and career planning. Ohio School Counselors are licensed and have completed an approved master’s program and an extensive internship.
A school counselor’s work is multifaceted. We guide, teach, encourage, and lead as needed. Sometimes you’ll find us with a student in an individual counseling session, or teaching a classroom lesson about emotional literacy, communication skills, or conflict management. On other days, we may spend time supporting students with behavioral needs, or fostering new relationships between new and old students through group and project-based interactions. We work hard every day to ensure each of our students are set up for success not only academically, but socially, emotionally, and psychologically. Taking a “whole child” approach and addressing overall wellness, we recognize the significance, benefit, and advantage to maintaining a healthy balance between each of these domains.
Overview of Counseling Program at Taft
Individual Counseling: One-on-one counseling support is available to all students in grades K to 8. Students may self-refer or be referred to the counselor by staff and/or parents/guardians. Confidentiality is respected.
Mediation: Intervention between students to help resolve conflict in an appropriate way.
Group Counseling: Group counseling is provided for small groups of students experiencing similar concerns. These may include making and keeping friends, anger management, coping with loss, getting organized/study skills, and self-esteem. The groups generally range from 4 to 6 students and last for 6 to 8 sessions. The students for groups can be recommended by parents/guardians or by staff members. Permission slips must be signed by parents for students to participate in groups.
Classroom Guidance Lessons: Classroom guidance is an important component of a counseling program because a school counselor can affect the largest amount of students in this way. These lessons are determined yearly based on school priorities and needs. Topics may include friendship skills, bully prevention, organizational skills, and career exploration.
Consultations: I am available to meet with teachers, administrators, and/or parents/guardians to discuss the needs of individual students. I am here for ALL students and want to ensure that your child has a productive and positive school year. If I can support your child in anyway, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
How can a student see the counselor?
o Student self-referral (see Student Request tab)
o Staff referral
o Parent referral