Athletic Sports Clearance Information for

High School  and Modified Sports  Grades 7-12

 YHS Sports Information 2024-25 

YCSD Sports Start dates and Registration

Fall :            August 24, 2024  High School Football

                    August 26, 2024  All other High School sports 

                    September 3, 2024  MESMS Modified Sports Grade 7 and 8

Winter:     November 18, 2024 High School Sports

Spring:      March 17, 2025 High School Sports  

The Athletic schedule and sports offered can be found on the Athletics Homepage.    

Please view  all the information below including: How to Register Your Child for Sports , Illness/ Injuries and Sports, And Head Injury information.       

Info for HIGH SCHOOL Sports Grades 9-12 ( Grade 7 and 8 selected candidates also see below)

Fall Sports Registration opens on  July 26, 2024. Parents, please register your child early the first 2 weeks of sports opening on  Final Forms.

We recommend that  all registrations , required immunizations, and a current non expired physical dated after 8/26/2023 be uploaded to Final Forms no later than a week before sports starts to be cleared to play on time. Parent Registration will close on August 23, 2024 to clear those already registered. Any new registrations after that date will be cleared the first week of sports, students may miss practice and tryouts.

*Please note that the Yorktown Central School District registration and Authorization for Sports Participation on Final Forms MUST be completed by a parent/guardian ONLY.  Any form completed by a student will be DENIED. Once correctly re-submitted by the parent/guardian it will be reviewed after the conclusion of the first day of practice/tryouts and placed on the health teams list for medical clearance which will take an additional 48 hours. If all required information is not provided, additional time will elapse before a student is cleared to play.*

Info for Selected HIGH SCHOOL Sports candidates in Grade 7 and 8 

To play a YHS sport as a Grade 7 or 8 student the following must occur:

If your child has been selected to play up in Grade 7 or 8 , a parent will be notified by the coach and nurse. Please read info for MESMS potential High School Athletes.  The MESMS nurse and coach will send parents and students an email of the date and time of the doctor visit and fitness test. Please note that Grade 7 and 8 cannot sign up for HIGH SCHOOL sports unless they are invited to play up by Athletics. Parents must register the student to play YHS sports AFTER the student is invited by Athletics to play up.

 Students should listen for announcements at lunch and view the middle school announcement page during the year to see if there are any high school sports slots open, it is not guaranteed. 


All Sports registration opens July 26 and Modified Grade 7 and 8 sports starts September 3, 2024 

Please click and view a  Modified Sports letter from Rob Barrett , Athletic Director. Students will meet their coaches after school on Sept 3 for a half hour meeting. Contact athletics if any questions.

To play a Modified  sport as a Grade 7 or 8 student the following must occur:

How to Register Your Child for Sports :



It is our policy that all concussions should be reported to the health office,  and any student that sustains a concussion on or off school grounds should see the school nurse upon entering school. 

State Guidelines were changed in 2023. Please read Guidelines for Concussion management in Schools  and refer to the YCSD Concussion Care Plan and YCSD Concussion Return to Play Guidelines.

Parents are also encouraged to read about traumatic brain injury and concussions on the CDC Heads Up site. Students are encouraged to view CDC Heads Up Youth Sports during sports sign up season. 

Further concussion information can be found here: 

Concussion Fact Sheet for Parents 

Concussion Fact Sheet for Athletes

HEADS UP for Parents

Return To Learn Strategy