Wonjong Horace Lee

I am a learner, researcher, theologian, and counselor.

As an avid learner with a deep passion for theology, I am studying Practical Theology, especially specializing in the realm of Pastoral Care and Counseling, and Trauma Studies.

With a fervent desire to delve deeper into this field and contribute to its growth and development,
I am eager to explore the complexities of theology and uncover new insights into the role of pastoral counseling and care in our world today.


Intercultural Pastoral Care and Counseling, Constructive Theology, Theodicy, Post/Decolonial Studies, Traumatic Stress and Growth, Object-Relation Psychology, Self-Psychology, School and Church Counseling


Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research
Person-Centered Counseling, Trauma & Crisis Counseling, Psychoanalysis, Psychological Test(MMPI-2, Rorschach, PAI, TCI, etc.)
Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere Pro

"If the Eschatological Self is viewed through the lens of a future-oriented perspective, rather than one that is rooted in the past, it becomes clear that the present state of both individuals and the world at large is not determined by preceding events or current circumstances, but rather is in a continual process of renewal and re-creation through the divine experience of the future."

 (W. Horace Lee, 2021, 53p)

👩🏻‍🎓 Education

Sep 2024 - Present Emmanuel College, The University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sep 2020 – Feb 2024 Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea

Sep 2020Feb 2022 Methodist Theological University, Seoul, South Korea

Mar 2017 – Aug 2020 Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea

Jan 2020 – Mar 2020 The University of Sheffield, England, UK

👩🏻‍💻 Professional Positions

Sep 2020 – Feb 2024   |   Counseling and Coaching Center, Yonsei Univ.


Sep 2023Feb 2024   |   Counseling and Coaching Program of United Methodist Church & Yonsei University

Research Assistant

May 2022Jun 2023   |   International Academy of Practical Theology 2023 Conference

Local Committee Member (Staff Chief)

Jan 2019 – Dec 2021   |   Gochon Methodist Church

Junior Pastor

Feb 2021 – Dec 2021   |   Institute for Higher Education Innovation, Yonsei Univ.


Sep 2020 – Feb2024   |   University of College of Yonsei (under Prof. Paik, Executive Director of LESD Hub Asia Pacific etc,)

Teaching Assistant of English-based classes

Sep 2023Oct 2023  |   Aisa Minjung Theology Consultation (8 countries attended)


Feb 2022Aug 2023   |   Headquarters of xx' Maneuver Division, Korea Army

Sergeant(Finance Management), Squad Leader

More information 👉 Click here!

📖 Academic Publications & Presentations

Lee, Wonjong Horace. (2023). (Presentation) Pain as a Profound Mystery: Proposing Hopeful Anthropocene Pastoral Care and Counseling through Eschatological Self. International Academy of Practical Theology Conference 2023. (English)

Lee, Wonjong Horace. (2023). (Presentation) Asian Minjung Experiences and Event in the 21st Century, Aisa Minjung Theology Consultation 2023. (English) 

Lee, Wonjong Horace. (Forthcoming, June 2024). Pain as a Profound Mystery: Proposing Hopeful Anthropocene Pastoral Care and Counseling through Eschatological Self. International Journal of Practical Theology. (editing in process) / SCOPUS & E-SCI & ProQuest& Alta® RDB

Lee, Wonjong (2022). Baptism and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, the Similarities and Differences between the Two Rituals, Korean Journal of Christian Studies, 104. https://doi.org/10.18708/kjcs.2022. (Korean) / Alta® RDB & KCI

Lee, Wonjong (2021). Understanding of the Hope of Theology from the Perspective of Pastoral Care: Focused on the Moltmann's Theology and Eschatological Self, Theological Forum, 105. https://doi.org/10.17301/tf.2021.09.105.33 (Korean) / Alta® RDB & KCI / Top 10% Paper

Lee, Wonjong Horace. Conversations Between Intersubjectivity, Theodicy, and Quaternity: How Pastoral Care and Counseling, and Construction Theology Interact. (writing in process)

Lee, Wonjong Horace. Is Epoche Possible? Epoche and Bracketing in Pastoral Care and Counseling. (writing in process)

More information 👉 Click here!

🏆 Selected Awards & Scholarships

Full Funded Academic Scholarship, Yonsei Graduate School (2020-2024)

Academic Research Project Scholarship, International Research Center of Yonsei (2021)

Social Innovation Research Scholarship, Institute for Higher Education Innovation (2020-2021)

Educational Social Innovation Activity Scholarship, Institue for Global Engagement & Empowerment (2019-2020)

Future Theologian Scholarship, Gochon Methodist Church (2017-2020)

Highest Honors at Graduation, Yonsei University (2020)

Dean's List for Five Semesters, Yonsei University (2017-2020)

Outstanding Student Award, Integrated Media Center of Yonsei (2019)

Certificate for Community-Based Learning, Academic Affairs of Yonsei & Humphreys US Military Camp (2019)

✨ Membership & Affiliations

International Academy of Practical Theology - IAPT (2024-Present)

Society of Practical Theology - SPT (2023-Present)

Korean Association of Christian Counseling & Psychology (2020-Present)

Korean Counseling Psychological Association (2020-Present)

Korean Counseling Association (2020-Present)

The Central Annual Conference of the Korean Methodist Church (2017-2022)

🔍 Skills

Languages: Korean(native), English(fluent), Greek(intermediate)

Program: SPSS, Photoshop, Lightroom, Premiere Pro

Counseling: Person-centered Counseling, Object-Relations Theory, Self-Psychology, Evolutionary Psychology, Trauma & Crisis Counseling, Psychoanalysis, Psychological Test(MMPI-2, Rorschach, PAI, TCI, etc.) 

Last Update in July 1st, 2024
Wonjong Horace Lee