Promoting Community Engagement

An important aspect of all YMCA programmes is to encourage young people to become actively engaged in their local communities.

Newcastle YMCA

Due to lockdown there was an increase in young people suffering from mental health issues, following the completion of a needs assessment online with young people aged 14-18 years. key elements impacting young people were increased depression and anxiety, unhealthy coping strategies including the use of food, drugs, alcohol and increased ASB in dealing with the emotional impact of Covid 19. Young people stated they feared for the future and could see no end to the current situation.

Leadership applied for funding to support and reintegrate young people back into mainstream services through a three tier support programme which incorporated PSD workshops incentre and online, one to one support workshops and outdoor education centred around building resilience, managing emotions and looking to the future.

The TBUC camp lasted 4 weeks and worked intensely with 10 young people (Covid 19) restrictions with 6 in completing a full three tier programme and additional online support/ part programme for young people requiring one to one support.

The programme will be delivered evenings and weekends (Thurs/Fri/Sat) over the July and August 2020 period when the anti-social behaviour and at risk activities are heightened.

Through the diversion and engagement with key individuals through a three tier approach the programme allows for tangible and sustainable outputs and outcomes measurable through a robust baseline/ evaluative systems.

Tier One - Online workshops

Identified young people through a variety of methodologies including tailored online workshops supported by PSNI, YJA, AEP, incorporating EDI elements will support a greater awareness and understanding of individual impact on community Online workshops will be delivered through Discord server and Google hangout three sessions per week.

Tier Two - Positive Risk element

Outdoor education is a valuable tool in addressing ASB the programme aims to engage young people one full day session hill walking in the Mourne area to support both diversion and instill the benefits of positive risk and naturals highs in replacing negative behaviours.

Tier Three - One to One support

Online one to one support during and following programmes to encourage positive choices and renewed engagement in community and peers, especially those from ethnic backgrounds.

Three of YMCA Newcastle Youth work teams designed the programme in consultation with the target group and themes established through needs assessment. Additional workshops and support was provided by Youth Justice Agency, PSNI and Greenhill OEC online workshops where developed and delivered via the online gaming server Discord through John Murray who has an ICT in Youth work background.

The programmes supported young people who were known to the justice system and mental health services.

Young people were struggling due to the lack of face to face services, uncertainty and continually changing landscape. Online support was in place but it was not a substitute for engaging with leaders and peers in the youth work setting. Some young people who engaged on the programmes were struggling with behaviours ranging from increased anxiety and depression to others becoming angry and engaging ASB and feelings of anger and losing control due to uncertainty. The programme was successful with young people and parents giving positive feedback on engagement, opportunity and attitudinal changes following the programme. EA completed a moderation 20th August 2020 (Very Good) Following the project YMCA Newcastle was successful in obtaining funding to deliver a full time programme supporting positive mental health based on the TBUC project template supporting 20 young aged 14 - 18 years from Nov 2020 - March 2021. And secure two full time posts and one part time support post.

Young people noted Covid 19 has affected them negatively

Feedback Covid 19 Needs Assessment July 2020 completed by YMCA Newcastle