
Highlights from Oct 2019 - Oct 2020

Whilst the number of young people benefiting from programs at Greenhill YMCA was dramatically down this year due to Covid, the quality of provision for those who could attend undoubtedly rose. One of the main highlights was the delivery of a summer scheme in partnership with the Fostering Network. The participating young people were either in care or at risk of entering care and they already faced more than their fair share of challenges, but these challenges were significantly increased due to Covid lockdown. Our staff and volunteer team were privileged to be able to share this unique summer with them, and gained professional skills and unique learning experiences through their interaction with these wonderful young people.

During the spring complete lockdown, we were able to host small numbers of young people whose families were in crisis. Relationships have been built with various agencies through this work which are already being developed further for the future.

The Community Hub is just reaching completion. This is a large indoor space, social area and hydrotherapy/training pool. The added bonus being that a range of funders have caught the vision and 100% funding has been achieved.

Challenges from Oct 2019 - Oct 2020

The loss of basically all income during this current financial year is causing grave concern. Much effort was put into diversifying and developing new initiatives to provide value to the community and to generate much-needed income. The changing circumstances throughout the year scuppered most of these attempts. On a positive note, much innovative thinking and planning work has been undertaken which will augur well for developing these programs in the future

New Horizons 2021

We look forward to welcoming large numbers of young people back to our site at an appropriate point during 2021. Our excellent new facility (Community Hub) will be complete and ready to be an important part of our recovery.

The challenges of Covid have led to some very promising partnerships being developed in the local community, and we look forward to bringing forward some exciting developments together in 2021. It is anticipated that these will include a membership scheme to increase ownership in the local community, and a forest school which will work closely with our local schools.

Concrete Measurements

2580 young people participated in residential programmes

480 young people participated day programmes

120 young people attended five-day summer programmes

87 youth organisations and schools participated in Greenhill programmes

User Perspective

The extraordinary circumstances and situation surrounding COVID 19 has had an enormous impact on children’s disability service of the SEHSCT. The ability of Greenhill management and staff to respond so promptly and effectively at this time to reconfigure their facility in order to provide much needed support to our children and families was exceptional . Mal O’Hare, Senior SW Practitioner / Family Support Manager, Children’s Disability Service, SEHSCT

“Having this summer scheme at Greenhill YMCA for children on the edge of care and in foster care was a lifeline at a very challenging time. The activities provided developed the confidence and self-efficacy of children who have experienced complex trauma and an array of additional needs. The provision provided much needed respite for parents and foster carers. The scheme was delivered safely and this was an outstanding example of strong partnership working to ensure a truly needs-led approach.” - Jade, Programme Officer. The Fostering Network.

“I was so scared of heights my whole life, so I couldn’t do the climbing wall but I kept trying to get myself to do it every day. I got higher and higher then on the last day I did it! I got to the top. I nearly fainted and felt sick but I was so proud of myself.” - Jacob, age 10

“I’m different here. I don’t feel the need to do all the mad stuff like take drugs or get into fights and all. Like, I feel calmer here or something.” - Charis, age 14