Climate Justice and 'Future Generations'

Global Youth Work: ‘Future Generations’ Youth Climate Justice Fund -

What Happened?

'Youth Climate Justice – Future Generations Project' seeks to explore and highlight the systemic and human rights issues related to the climate crisis. This partnership will bring the unique voices of young people who are missing from the climate discourse. Young people from marginalised, rural, and disadvantaged backgrounds are often left out of the conversation and their reality is oftentimes not represented in national and global policies as a result.

Some of what the group have done this autumn includes:

Hosted a webinar with guests including Christopher O’Sullivan TD, vice chairman of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Climate Action

Presents project with NYCI at the YMCA Europe webinar ‘SDG 13: European Youth Led Solutions for a Global Issue

Engages in One World Week 2020: Including participating with the NYCI Young People’s Committee as they host a conversation about young people and power in 2020

Presents project at YMCA Ireland AGM 2020

Who was Involved?

Grant awarded to Future Generations Project by NYCI (lead agency working in consortia with), YMCA Ireland, Macra na Feirme, Involve, in partnership with Sphere17 and Swan Youth Service.

Minister Zappone Announces Grants under the Youth Climate Justice Fund

Why Did It Matter?

YMCA Ireland is committed to embedding Global Justice principles in all of it’s programmes.

This project creates a space for young people to explore the topic of Climate Justice. The ‘Future Generations’ project facilitates young peoples’ voices by supporting the development of specific skills they need to be better advocates of Climate Justice.

The programme, delivered completely online, runs from September to December 2020 and has seven steps..

1) Raise climate justice awareness amongst young people

2) Educate including hosting webinars

3) Empower young people to take on local and regional responses to the issue of Climate Justice decided by the young people themselves.

4) Deliver: A secondary outcome of the Youth Climate Justice is to inform local / regional actions in 2021.

5) Develop youth related activities to embed climate justice communications, network building and deliberative capacity that connects with, and leverages, local youth and community activities

6) Strengthen: A series of online climate justice trainings build the knowledge, skills, understanding and confidence of youth practitioners in each of our partner organisations in order that they integrate climate justice education into their youth work practice

7) Participate in and influence: including the new SDGs National Implementation Plan, the new National Youth Strategy, the European Youth Dialogue, and other policy opportunities as they arise.