Academic Support


Ysgol Harri Tudur / Henry Tudor School is committed to ensuring all Learners fulfil their academic potential. Our team of expert teachers understand the importance of developing strategies and skills that help each learner grow in intellectual confidence, build resilience and develop the ability to reflect, in order to reach their true potential.

We appreciate that even within an academically selective environment, learning is not a linear pathway, and some learners may need more individualised support at certain times. We aim to equip our learners with the skills and tools they need to enable them to achieve their full potential across the curriculum, becoming independent and confident learners.  Our dedicated team of Academic Support staff work with learners and their teachers to identify needs. We are able to offer one to one or small group support to help learners develop strategies that will help them to become independent learners. Learners throughout the school are able to access support, irrespective of need or ability and this will be assessed on an individual basis.