Specialty Programs
Advanced Placement (AP)
Any students who are achieving high academic grades and who have excellent study habits and have an interest in challenges would be candidates for the Advanced Placement Program.
AP courses are recognized by all Universities and may be used as an earned credit at some Universities.
AP courses are offered in the subjects of Mathematics, Science, English, and Canadian & World Studies.
Acceptance into the AP program is based on grades and teacher recommendations.
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM):
Health & Wellness OR Business
Offered to any student in any stream who wants to pursue a career in the HEALTH & WELLNESS or BUSINESS sector
Once you fulfill all SHSM requirements you will graduate with a Red Seal on your diploma. Students will also receive a formal Ministry Coded SHSM Record which documents all their achievements.
Students in this program will gain important skills and their COOP experience allows them to gain valuable work experience. This program is beneficial for any supplementary applications or interviews for post-secondary schools as well as making connections to real-life industries by building contacts and relationships with professionals.
All certifications are paid for by the Ministry of Education.
The SHSM program begins in Grade 11 and all components must be completed by the end of Grade 12.
SHSM applications are located in the Guidance Office

EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO christina.marchese@ycdsbk12.ca

EMAIL COMPLETED FORM TO robert.fiore@ycdsbk12.ca
Dual Credits
Offered to all Grade 11 & 12 students who wish to experience college campus life by earning a college credit while still in high school.
1 course = 2 credits (one credit in high school & one credit in college)
The college credit earned is transferable to other colleges when a final grade of 60% or higher is achieved.
Course is delivered at the college location (Seneca College/Humber College/Sheridan College/Centennial College)
All course fees, materials, books, and amenities (fitness center etc.) are paid for by the Ministry of Education.
Transportation is also paid by the Ministry of Education (parking pass if driving or bus pass if taking the bus)
Courses are offered once a week during each semester.
For more information click on the following link: https://www.ycdsb.ca/pathways/dual-credit-courses/
Accelerated Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)
This program is offered to Grade 12 students taking 4 credit coop. Students must apply in Grade 11 with the Coop Department.
Students can earn credits towards their Secondary School diploma.
Coop placement will allow students to acquire hours and competencies toward the total hours required for that particular apprenticeship which will reduce post-secondary qualification time.
Students will receive trade-specific health & safety training.
Students will move into work directly after graduating high school and will continue their apprenticeship.
This program will reduce post-secondary costs and will start a viable, attractive career in a shorter amount of time.