Honour Roll / Ontario Scholar

The Honour Roll calculation includes all courses delivered by the York Catholic District School Board and taught by YCDSB teachers through regular day school, summer school, night school, Saturday school, e-learning or international programmes.

The Honour Roll is calculated as an average of 79.5% based on the counting of the following:

  1. a grade 9 student's top eight YCDSB courses;

  2. a grade 10 student's top eight YCDSB courses;

  3. a grade 11 student's top seven YCDSB courses;

  4. a grade 12 student's top six YCDSB courses.

*Academic year starts July through to June for Honour Roll calculation.

Ontario Scholar: Policy/Program Memorandum 53


A student may be designated an Ontario Scholar if he or she satisfies both of the following requirements:

  • he or she obtains an aggregate of at least 480 marks in any combination of ministry-approved courses listed below that provide a total of six credits, as defined by Ontario Secondary Schools, Grades 9 to 12: Program and Diploma Requirements, 1999 (OSS) and/or Ontario Schools, Intermediate and Senior Divisions (Grades 7–12/OACs): Program and Diploma Requirements, rev. ed., 1989 (OSIS)

Ministry-approved courses are the following:

  • any Grade 12 university preparation, university/college preparation, college preparation, workplace preparation, and/or open courses authorized under OSS, including locally developed courses approved by the ministry

  • cooperative education courses related to any of the above courses

  • dual credit courses in college-delivered dual credit programs approved by the ministry

  • any Ontario Academic Courses (OACs) authorized under OSIS

Conditions of award

The following conditions will apply:

  • a candidate's mark in any course shall be multiplied by the credit value of the course

  • where a student obtains more than six credits in any combination of Grade 12 university preparation courses, Grade 12 university/college preparation courses, Grade 12 college preparation courses, Grade 12 workplace preparation courses, Grade 12 open courses, dual credit courses, and/or OACs, the highest marks will be used

  • standing in either English for English-language schools or English for French-language schools (i.e., anglais/English under OSIS, English for French-language schools under OSS) may be counted, but not both

  • standing in either French as a second language or français may be counted, but not both

  • a student previously designated an Ontario Scholar is not eligible for a second award

  • a student need not complete the courses in one school year in order to be designated an Ontario Scholar

  • standing obtained at a conservatory or school of music – as outlined in section 2 of Policy/Program Memorandum No. 133, “Music Certificates Accepted for Credits”, January 5, 2004; in section 2 of appendix 4 of OSS; or in section 2 of appendix C of OSIS – may be considered for the purposes of the Ontario Scholar award