

E-Learning allows students to participate in a course that is delivered in an online format.  Students who are interested should make a guidance appointment to discuss available courses. See myBlueprint for a list of elearn course options. 

Top Traits of Successful e-Learners

There is no “ideal” candidate for eLearning courses, or any course for that matter; however, you are more likely to succeed in eLearning courses if:

You are more likely to succeed in an eLearning course if you are:

In addition, you are more likely to succeed in an eLearning course if you have a history of:

And finally, before applying for an eLearning course, you should assess your ability to:

Is E-Learning right for you?

Take this Quiz to find out  

YCDSB E-Learning Information

YCDSB E-Learning Website

e-Learn Opt Out Form.pdf

Elearn Opt-out Form

If you would like to opt-out of taking the 2 required elearn courses, please fill out this form and submit to the Guidance office.