Tackling Child Abuse

The government has recently launched a new campaign aimed at the subject of child abuse in all of it's various forms. The Campaign, 'TOGETHER WE CAN TACKLE CHILD ABUSE', is aimed at whole communities and may be particulalrly useful for parents and carers. 

We all have a role to play in protecting young people from any sort of abuse or neglect and sometimes we may become concerned about a child we know, where we notice that there has perhaps been a change in their behaviour or we simply notice something about their physical appearance or the way they are communicating. Unfortunately all too often child abuse is not reported because people are worried about being wrong. This new campaign gives some really simple guidance about what we can do as adults. There are in addition some very concise and helpful videos which clearly explain the various forms of abuse.  Click on the link below for more information or click here: https://tacklechildabuse.campaign.gov.uk 

Mr Dewar

Assistant Headteacher and Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead