2nd Workshop on Compliant Robot Manipulation:

Challenges and New Opportunities

at ICRA 2023; London, UK

A full-day workshop at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

Date: Friday June 2nd, 2023

Time: 8:30AM - 5:30PM

Room: South Gallery Room 18

Submission Deadline: May 1 (AOE)

Thank you to everyone who joined the second instantiation of our workshop, making it another successful workshop on compliant manipulation!

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Robust, dexterous manipulation in unstructured environments remains a research problem for those working in both academia and industry. Encapsulating a plethora of potential use cases—from logistics-based packing problems to human-robot service settings—the interactions between a robot and its environment are often difficult to plan and execute precisely, as there will always be some degree of uncertainty in the model of the robot or its environment. This uncertainty has historically elicited conflict within the robot’s internal control schema, as it required both positions and forces of the actuators to be balanced appropriately as to satisfy task requirements.  System compliance—either in a software-based or a hardware-based solution—has been largely the key to enabling a robot to overcome such environmental or system-modeling uncertainties. This inherent adaptability in the robot’s kinematic structure can generally simplify planning and control of the robot, which has in turn enabled fundamental advancements in robot manipulation. In this workshop, we will explore the state-of-the in compliance-enabled robot manipulation on numerous fronts. Panelists and speakers will discuss how compliance, and other similar paradigms, have changed formulations and processes for planning, control, design, sensing, learning, optimization, etc. for such robot systems. 

 Topics of Discussion

Distinguished Speakers

Antonio Bicchi

Senior Researcher, Italian Institute of Technology

Professor, University of Pisa 

Home Page 

Hannah Stuart

Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley

Lab Page 

Shuran Song

Assistant Professor, Columbia University

Lab Page 

Noémie Jaquier

Postdoctoral Researcher, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Home Page 

Kevin Lynch

Professor, Northwestern University

Lab Page 

Mustafa Mukadam

Research Scientist, Facebook AI Research (FAIR)

Home Page 

Wenzhen Yuan

Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University

Lab Page

Maria Pozzi

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Siena

Home Page 

 Naveen Kuppuswamy / Eric Cousineau

Tactile Perception and Control Lead / Senior Research Engineer, Toyota Research Institute

Home Page 

Xiyang Yeh

Chief Technology Officer,  Flexiv Ltd

Home Page 


Shenli Yuan

Research Engineer,  SRI



Andrew Morgan

Research Scientist, Boston Dynamics AI Institute



Kaiyu Hang

Assistant Professor, Rice University



Weiwei Wan

Associate Professor, Osaka University



Maximo Roa

Research Scientist, German Aerospace Center (DLR)



Aaron Dollar

Professor, Yale University



Technical Committee Support


ExCeL London

Royal Victoria Dock

1 Western Gateway, London

This will be a full-day workshop held on either the first day of ICRA 2023 or the last day.  

Questions? Email us!