Gracie Whyte

Gracie Whyte received her professional training from London Contemporary Dance School, where she was awarded a Master’s degree with Merit in Contemporary Dance Performance, with an emphasis on floorwork technique. While in Europe, Gracie toured internationally and danced in many events throughout the UK and Europe. In 2014, Gracie relocated to Los Angeles, where she co-founded WHYTEBERG, a collaborative choreographic duo with Laura Berg. WHYTEBERG has showcased live work throughout Los Angeles, with a focus on utilizing non-traditional venues and maintaining a commitment to creating relevant and playful evenings of interactive performance. The company also creates work for music videos (Mac Miller, Anderson .Paak), production companies (Warner Bros., EUX Media, Valentine Street), and multi-media collaborations (Emmy-award winning animation director Jacob Streilein), in addition to teaching weekly professional classes in LA.

Project Description

house of to be

The house is where you come from but will no longer go. Where a new grief sparks the older griefs you thought were sturdy. The griefs that were your foundation, layers first then walls and doors, an attic, a shed. Time, human limits, and memory. A changing identity and the illusion of a stable one. Here is an exploration that resists narrative, the discovery of a shifting identity through sensitivity of movement.